"I'm sorry, Lord"...... is what I say when I'm scrambling to find the last "out loud" prayer I posted! How could I be so absent minded? Good grief! It's been nearly a month since I posted a prayer. Yes.....I know.....we have talked. But, I think posting is important too. People need to know that they can come to You at any time. Morning, noon or night. In battle, or out of battle. If you're (we're) out of battle.....it won't be long before "he's back....". Satan makes me sick. Most of the time I won't even capitalize his name....I wish though, Lord......that I could prove him significant at all. Why is it that when I feel all is going pretty well.....my name, when mentioned, brings a smile and not a look of disgust......why is it that just one negative word, wipes out all the good? The enemy seems to never tire of his work. He really must pay his imps overtime. Speaking the name of Jesus really should count for more. Yes, he does leave.....for a time.....but, then just as you are striving to relax.....he comes back with another hit. Lord.....I'm not blaming You. You have an ideal plan. I'm the one that is the problem. I just get lazy. I forget. I get annoyed. At times, I feel like it does no good at all. Isn't that awful, Lord. I get ashamed of myself at that cold reality. I can see why the devil thinks he wins and I lose. Because, I actually make a statement like I just did....proving his power to annihilate my spiritual condition. He sees that if he keeps up the negative hits.....he'll have me soon....just by remaining faithful to his cause. Lord....You have just got to help me to NOT be lackadaisical in my spiritual walk. I have to remember that You will not forsake me. You will not leave me. I have committed myself to Your care. You have forgiven my transgressions. You love and adore me. I am Your child. You disciple me. You show me where I should go. You lead me by "still waters". You restore my soul. There are many, many more wonderful things You give to me. Your forbearance, Your ever-present forgiving nature are life saving. My job, I feel is to never forget that. Not to ever take it for granted. I do forget it, though, my dear One. I am ashamed of that. I will endeavor to allow Your sweet Spirit to overwhelm me until I cannot sleep.....or breathe properly. I need to constantly be aware that my spiritual state is at risk. I cannot allow the enemy to get away with the tactics he uses.....whether it is a busy schedule or ill health......that makes my need to stay alert a bit hazy. I will plead the blood of Jesus.....I will speak the name of Jesus Christ.....I will call upon the Lord.......and I will trust in the Strong Tower of my salvation.
Help me, Jesus.....to never forget Your promises. I speak the words of this prayer in the name of Jesus. I thank You, dear Jesus for Your blessings. Amen.