My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, May 7, 2016

I can't tell You how many times I think about starting a letter to You saying....."Lord, what do You want me to do for You today" ?  ......and I don't.  Mostly because I'm afraid You're going to suggest a few things I don't feel comfortable doing!  There!  I said it for all the world to see.  I know that as I go through a day....whether I am out and about.....or just at home.....I usually obey what I feel You are pushing me to do.  Most of the time....when I obey, I find that you are not suggesting I do any more than a part of someone's day.  Perhaps not even an integral part.....just a message that God is wanting to send to someone.  These "acts" are often just off the top of my"I love your long sweater!"......."Your hair is so pretty!"......"Is there something I could carry (do) for you?".  I have often been put off by my own thoughts, thinking I will somehow insult or bother......resulting in nothing done.  Lord, I find that so often I have missed out on what could be very well be perceived as a blessing from You. Right now, I am so very aware of not wanting to be "too involved"!  Thus, I tend to stay in my shell till the knocking drives me nuts.  I am so "not wanting" to get into a place where I am expected.....or depended on.  
Oh, Lord.....understand me when I say these things.  I really do want to be what You need at this time in my life.  I know my Mom did.  She was always taking meals to people in her at the Senior Living place where her apartment was. Whether it was checking their blood pressure, getting a grocery item or taking them to the Doctor......she was always running around helping someone.  It made me proud of her, that she was so interested in making someone else's life easier.  
Go ahead, Lord,  if You please.  I'll be watching for Your cue.  I am pretty sure I mentioned this to You the last time I posted a prayer.  I thought that once we retired my role as "caregiver" was done.  I see that I can still be useful to you.  For me, it's the "broken and spilled out" part that still tends to be painful to me.  Perhaps that is what keeps me from wanting to be an instrument for You, Lord.  Help me see that You will protect my anxious heart.  I give it to You.  All of my weakness.....I find I can be assured, that You will strengthen me.  I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.