Dear Lord......When I finally find my special place on this computer.....I feel so fulfilled. I am able to put my heart and soul into the words I have tumbling around in my mind. When I am unable to find this quiet rest for myself, I slink into the confines of normalcy, and moan about not being able to fulfil this quest I have to write to You.
I am forever composing a letter to You, dear One. It is only when I can physically push the keys, to form the words and sentences to explain to You how I think......why I feel as I do......what I want for You to do for me...... and finally, how You will fulfil what I think I need....that I can truly rest. I need the fulfilment of what Your assessment of the needs I have. Could You possibly understand what I am trying to say especially when I'm not even sure myself? I think so.
I've always wondered, Lord.....when folks say the words....."God is good.....all the time, God is good."
Is this just a saying? Is it lying to ourselves and to You, when we feel the walls closing in....and we parrot this phrase? Or, is it something like "Act as if" ? Lord, when we are not getting the answers we feel we need.......when it seems that no one hears how I feel.....when there are more questions than answers......I am trying to stay positive. I am unsure what You want me to do when I look into a doctor's face....and he say's , "It's still there." Or, we have a problem and we need to talk about options. Those , and so many others are words that we as Your children have trouble living with. So many are so tortured. We are meant to be Your example. Our responses and behavior are always on my mind. Am I behaving as You expect me to, Lord? Have I disappointed You in my choice of words? Am I considerate of the feelings of others as they do their jobs to take care of my needs?
What is it Lord that can be done when we are at the end of ourselves and we need more direction? My queries to You, dear One, are natural. I'm always asking questions. I like to understand what is happening. You, however, are not as talkative as I would like. You like for me to find my answers in Your word. You like for us to pray and wait. You like for us to spend time thinking about what You have done for us, often finding our answers in our own words. I'm wondering if You like for us to go over the things that have given and provided peace in our past. So often we repeat the same behavior and by doing that, we often get the same result. Whether its a clear and peaceful state of mind or chaos that we seek, it seems to be our own choice.
I choose, dear One, for You to be leading the parade of my life. I choose for You to be the Grand Marshall......I will not fear......for THOU art with me. This is my prayer for today and tonight. Give me the peace that passes all understanding. So many are in dire serious harms way. Lord only You can give us the shelter in times of storm. All this and more is written in the name of Jesus. Amen.