Once again, Lord.....I find myself, looking in on my own life. I am suspecting You get tired of waiting for me to make a decision...."find myself".... or be contented. Since You, dear One....know me better than I know myself.....I wish You would tell me. You could mention things like......"Can't You just wait till I tell You what I want You to do?".......or......."Why do You question every move I make to show You the way?"......or "Maybe You could just relax and believe I do ALL things well"!
I have been waiting. What I feel is too long a time. I want some answers. I want You to make things clear for me......and I think you know already I need for You to draw me a picture. I always read between the lines.....trouble is.....I often get things wrong. I just hate admitting that. Could You just take over now? I really am just tired of trying to figure out the "what" and "why" of all I am so concerned about.
I'll never forget when I read a comment about "why I, even after writing out all my thoughts to You, do not seem like a very happy person. I thought and thought about why, indeed? Lord, to tell You my heart needs and thoughts, I find myself in a decided funk. Is it because I don't "leave it with You"? As per usual, I pick up " my bed" and "my stuff"......and walk away? Lord.....I have listened for years to my Dad preaching......to the preaching of my own husband....deep and resonant to my own soul.....and, I am beginning to think that I don't practice what I preach at all. Taking my needs to You is part of the problem. Not that I don't think You can help me....I really do. It's just that just maybe I am embarrassed that I am so needy.....especially since I have been a born-again Christian for so long.....and should know better. I have visualized taking all my wants, needs, and itinerate baggage.....and placing them all into a big black trashbag....dragging it to the foot of the cross.....and walking away......without it. I'm beginning to wonder if, as I stand there....contemplating leaving it with You.....I put my hand in that bag, thinking I can help You out a little, and take a few things out that I feel "I can handle". I'm not really aware, I don't think. But, I know that "Betwixted and Between", I believe I do. That very thing.....I think, is why I don't have the peace I should have. And, to me....peace equals contentment equals happiness. I wish that once and for all, I could remember that YOU, dear One, have my best interest at heart. Because....."You doeth all things well." I believe this in my core. Help me really believe it! Really needs to be underlined.
Give me an understanding of what You need me to know.....and wipe out the areas that confuse me. You know my fears. You also know the longings of my heart. Sometimes, I'm not even sure I do.
"Oh, for a thousand tongues
to sing, my great Redeemer's
praise. The glories of my God
and King. The triumphs of
All I write and give to You, Lord......each word is to You, in the name of Jesus. And, to Your will for Me, Your servant. Amen.