Thank You, dear One, for always keeping the door open. I can come to You anytime. You don’t ever turn us away. It seems like it’s always about me. Like, “when I want to pray”...or “if I want to pray”.
I am sorrowful that it is so little I want to. The enemy of our souls knows it too. Why do I give him fodder to feed on against me?
“Open my eyes that I may see...Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; Place in my hands the wonderful key....that shall unclasp and set me free.....
Silently now, I wait for Thee....Ready, my God Thy will to see......Open my eyes, illumine me.....Spirit Divine.
Open my ears, that I may hear....voices of truth Thou sendest clear; and while the wave notes fall on my ear, everything false will disappear. Open my mouth and let me bear .....tidings of mercy everywhere; Open my heart and let me prepare love with Thy children Thus to share......
Open my mind that I may read more of Thy love in word and deed; What shall I fear while yet Thou dost lead? Only for light from Thee I plead. “
Lord, all I hear.....all that is so consuming, is troublesome. We are bombarded with “everyone’s truth. “ When in all reality, Your truth is what we need to concentrate on. Yes.... in reality.....what I need to concentrate on. Everyone wants to be “right”. Me too! Right about what? Anything!
Lord, help me to think about some things. That I believe in You as my Savior. That I have asked You to come into my heart....and to cleanse me from my sinful ways. To believe my sins are under, or covered by the blood that You shed on Calvary. And, finally that one day You will receive me into Your kingdom.
These things are all so unbelievable that there is a mass of humanity that thinks this is ridiculous and so far fetched that many, many folks are laughing their way into hell even as I write these words. There may come a day when I may have to stand up and be counted for believing be it. Even though I may be killed for that belief, I maintain that my God will strengthen my resolve to speak the truth. “Lord, make it so.....there are times I feel so weak.”
Give me Your strength dear Lord to carry on the task before me. Thank You, dear One, that You trust me to serve You. Help each of us, us know who to believe....and what to believe. Help us not to be deceived by the evil one and his helpers. Give us Your power of discernment.
I ask all these things in the name of Jesus.
Amen and amen!