What would I say my title for this prayer would be, Lord? “Where Have I Been?” Years ago…..a song entitled, “ I JUST CAME TO TALK TO YOU, LORD!”. I remember what a great song title it was…..even the words resonated with thousands of people besides me. We all fail at times. Most of us never do enough. And….as You have always pointed out to me through scriptures and preachers and teachers…..I know, dear One….it isn’t all about me. What we want, what we think we need……what we like or don’t like…..where we want to go…..or don’t want to go…..on and on and on.
I wonder if you get tired of all my requests. Or my complaints. I’m pretty sure we’ve discussed this before. Either in jest or in a whining tone. As I’ve aged I do wonder where I land on the scale of one to ten of where my heart is …..in the wanting and needing of the things of life.
Even in my loss of the love of my life…. I have seen how you have blessed me. How You have given me so many things….things I’ve never asked for and You’ve provided. You’ve known me and still…..You love me. I give You praise. And many “thank you’s “ from a grateful heart.
As I continue to serve You, my hope is letting others see Jesus in me. Doing that, with Your helping me is my goal. Can You show me, in my day to day, how to do exactly that interaction. What is my job? How do I use my speech? How do I exemplify You, dear One, without being annoying to others? Or, should I not worry about that? Teach me, dear Lord…..to follow Your direction.
“I will serveThee, because I love Thee….You have given life to me. I was nothing before You found me…You have given life to me. Heartaches, broken pieces…..ruined lives are why You died on Calvary….Your love was what I’ve longed for….You have given life to me.”
Long ago…..You gave these words to encourage us to do Your work. Thank You, Lord, for the confidence You have in (us)……me.
All I write…..is in the name of Jesus. Amen.