My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Dear One…..Why is this such a trial for me?  Is it sheer laziness…..?  Or is a plan of the enemy to dissuade me from ever writing to You again?   

I allow this.  I’m not disabled. I still have my senses. I seem to have this feeling of “Why?”  Or worse, “Why bother?  I ask, once again…..would You forgive me.

Lord, I am ashamed to admit these flaws in myself.  

My hopeless helplessness in “pulling up my bootstraps” and getting on with it eludes me way too often.  I am ashamed that I get caught in this web of the usual “What should I do?  How do I do this or that? What do “they” expect me to do?  Not really knowing who “they” are.  

You have given me the privilege of witnessing some pretty life -changing events recently.  I’ve been able   To watch You allow my brother to be taken from death’s door to a walking miracle.  What the Doctors did in a 24 hour period was truly a modern day miracle.  When I am allowed to see the blessings that You allow us as Your children to experience and enjoy… do I fall so hard , so fast….seemingly on my face.  Our …..(my) incessant worrying about things I cannot change……events that are coming and I prefer to stick my head in the sand till everything is over… all too familiar territory for me.  For over a year I dreaded knowing my beloved oldest child would need surgery.  The right surgeon could not be found that could and would do the operation.  Lord, You handled things for me. I am under her roof helping her to relax and heal from all of the trauma her body encountered.  I’m so very grateful that You step in….You fill in the gaping holes I am sure I will fall into…..and free me from the ties that bind me.  I’m so grateful You refuse to tire of my constant fears of my future.  

When I let You, You fill my mind with the blessings, that You give me.  The family and friends that love me despite my flaws.  “There is none like You.  No one else can touch my heart like You do. I could search for all eternity through…..there is none like You.”  

In all I write…and think to pray….I ask in the name of Jesus Amen. And amen.