My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, January 24, 2011

".....For Your Glory....and Our Good"

Lord, I know You know how I feel. As I sit here in my daughter's home....writing and thinking
about all of my blessings....I am filled with praise for You. I am responsible for her little girl this
week. She's enjoying a little time of respite with her husband for their 10th anniversary. Lord,
You know my anxieties. You know my heart. I am in Your care and I believe in Your power to
fulfil all that we ask or need or even think. Of course, Lord.....everything is not always cut and
dried.....rosy....and all we would like it to be. I, even as I write aware of the heartbreak of some of my friends and the burdens they are carrying today. I wish I could help them. And,
of course, Lord, I look at that word "wish" and know that wishing is not really in Your vocabulary. So, Lord in heaven.....surround us with Your love today. Empower us that lean on You
to see a brighter hope....and a new solution coming for us all. A friend who has been through
some of the most dire straits I've ever known.....questioned Your scripture verse in Romans that
says...."all things work together for good......". And, Lord.....I remember looking at her and saying little.....because I didn't have an answer then , and I still don't. Lord, these scriptures are
often so elusive to my understanding. Because I love You and trust in You and believe in the
power of Your word.....I am sure that the end result will be according to Your plan. In the time
that we await Your implementation of Your plan....I will maintain my love and devotion to You
and believe that Your will for us, eventhough sometimes confused by our own manipulation of
events, will finally be seen as Your glory and our good is realized. Lord, I have too often tried
to play Your part in the lives of those I love....audaciously thinking my plan would be the best
for them to follow. I read in one of my devotionals that I need to be on guard for that kind of
behavior. I remember years ago , when my second daughter was considering re-involvement
with a "comfortable" suitor. I was against it. I was adamant.....but, I did turn to You before
I put my mouth in gear. Thankfully Lord, You led in Your own way.....and I managed to keep
my mouth shut. There was an answer.....a few years down the road,.....she's married to him
now. Lord, I love Your interventions.....and I depend on them.
I am thinking now about the friends of mine who are suffering.....from the sadness of life's end
and decisions made that we cannot control.....and on and on. All of it, Lord is too much to bear.
Alone, anyway. Pick us up, Lord. Hold us. And.... show us how to rest in You. Show us another way to look at the
sadnesses of life that we all have to encounter. Lord Jesus.....thank God for the Fountain....Who
is the King.....Victorious Warrior....and Lord of Rock, my Shelter, my very own.
Blessed Redeemer.....Who reigns upon the throne. Who reigns upon the Throne.
That's my hope, Lord. You. It's all You, all of the time. Thank You for Your love. Let us down
when we're able to walk on our own. In the name of Jesus, these requests are made. Amen.
Lord, I put my complete trust in You. Please give my husband strength and wisdom as the
days ahead are filled with sorrow.

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