My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, February 18, 2011

Help Lord! I Can't Do This Alone!

Lord, as soon as I finished reading her post....I wrote a response. I am thankful that I am not in
her shoes today. Understanding the sorrow and hopelessness of a suffering child you
have borne is a place no mother wants to go. As I read parts of her heart thoughts...her trying and trying to get to the place of understanding why You are allowing this to happen to her
precious daughter.....and on and on and on.....I can't even begin to understand, Lord. It's so
hard to watch this heartache and being unable to help. I don't even remember playing this
song that came to mind after I finished writing this morning. "There's a Wideness in God's
Mercy" was written in 1862, by a man named Frederick Faber. Lord, I wonder what prompted
him to write such poignant words. I wonder if he was desperate for an answer from you, too.
Lord, there is a wideness in Your mercy, as there is a wideness in the sea. I feel there is always
mercy in your answers to us. I wish Lord, even as a child would wish, that sometimes You
change Your the troublesome events that we find ourselves in. Could You? Would
You? I see in many places in the scripture where You gave Moses a pass when You told Him
to lead Your people....and he continued to argue with You that he was not capable and You
finally gave him permission to have his brother, Aaron, help him. ( I also saw that Aaron was
not exactly the icon of virtue that Moses could have used to assist him.) And, Lord....I saw that
when You wanted to do away with the city of Sodom.....and were intent on doing so because of
their abhorrent sinfulness , You were willing to defer when Abraham asked if he could find
some righteous individuals.....You did, Lord.....and very patiently too, while listening to his pleas. I
ask, Lord, for your divine intervention in the life of this child and her family. I know You have
intervened heretofore and given them more time....I just would ask for more for them....and a
divine temporary healing if You please. Living with the sadnesses that life brings, I know, is what makes and/or breaks an individual....and their surrounding family. Lord, no one can live in this life without dealing
with the issues of life. How are we going to live with the next thing that comes into our life. How are we going to see Your face in the unhappiness that puts a person to their knees's. Lord,
I think I know.....but I have to admit I do not even like to write words like these....mostly 'cause
I don't want to think of what I might have to endure. You cannot give me grace for what hasn't
occurred. There's no point. The grace and strength will come as I walk into the water's of
doubt and despair and sorrow. Lord, I believe, from past areas of suffering, that You will provide the power of Your mighty hand to lift me above the serge of the waves. Lord, as I contemplate Your
way, I do feel contentment in Your power. As I look at the words from the song...."there is
kindness in Your justice....which is more than liberty.....there is no place where earthly sorrows
are more felt than in heaven....there is plentiful redemption in the blood that has been shed....
there is joy for all the members in the sorrows of the Head....." . Some I understand and some
I don't. But, we are a wide range of peoples, Lord, as You know. What I don't see, someone
else will. And that is how You work. I believe Lord, that You will take care of us. That You will take care of me. We who
love You and worship You as our Lord place our trust in You. Give me Your peace this day.
All that I have spoken....and asked for are expressed in Your name. Amen.

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