My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"In the Light of Your Presence....I Live!"

Good morning, Lord.  I can't seem to concentrate on any devotional this morning.  My eye's are barely focusing and I can't seem to make myself entertain anything You have for me this morning.  Now is when I have to stop and just turn to my best resource.  Barring any interjection from the wiles of satan, I come to You and hope for the light of day and Your presence overwhelming me.  I know You have a plan for me today.  Help me see where I can serve You today.  Give me Your wisdom.  Allow me Your favor today.  Lift this weight off of my mind.  Show me the power You arrayed before the disciples when You arose from Your sleep and commanded the sea to be still.  Lord, Your power to cease operations if and when You choose to is so overwhelming it is hardly believable.  You know though, Lord....I do believe it with no problem.  You have been so the time when You walked the earth as we do....and now as You look down from Your Fathers right hand....we live under Your merciful eyes.  So much evil goes on.  The sadness and heartbreak that flows in and out of the lives of Your people is enough to put us in the ground.  Very often, Lord.....too often.....people would rather be dead than to deal with the sadness in their lives.  I remember looking at my friend one day and she quickly said to my "I'm so sorry!"........"If you hear I die tonight,  don't cry for me.....there are some things worse than death."  And Lord.....I knew she was broken.  And, I also knew I could do nothing to ease the pain.  Sometimes people don't want to be hugged....or even feel they deserve it.   Or, even feel they deserve your prayers.  Lord, those times are the ones that show us that we are so totally dependent on Your power to lift our souls to another place.  A place that is a little closer to You, I think.  That transcendent area You place us in until we can walk again. I've been there, Lord.  It is an area of peace....and it did make me stronger while I was there.  We are so loved by You.  And, so often we are allowed only that fact.  That You love and out of pain.  I am so blessed to have You to listen to my pleas.  Grant me this day the strength I need to lift, to help, to pray.  Father, as sometimes head still aches.  My eyes are still not clear.....but, I am blessed today and thank you for that.  I speak all in the name of Jesus and will to be all....the good and the bad.  Your will, Lord.  And always....  Your plan.  Amen."

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