My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Thursday, January 19, 2012

You know, my Lord.....I continue to be amazed at the wonder of Your power to heal our hearts and minds when we ask.  You, above all, are the source I can depend on.  There are so many times I attempt to understand....and explain and then, realize nothing is healed.  To try and try and try again is futile.  No medicine heals this fever.  If left to our own resources, the damage that occurs to the brain is (almost) permanent.  The mind seems to be permanently scewed.  Why are we so determined?  What is the point of giving those that disagree with us the same disease.  Oftentimes, I am unaware of the regrettable sound of words that try to make a difference and are not really ever heard or accepted.  You know, Lord.....a few years ago I decided since I was over 40 (or maybe it was 50), I'd start expressing "my" opinions and "my" reasoning of any subject or situation.  Until then, I really just nodded my affirmations to not cause any
undue attention.  Anyone who knew me,  suddenly weren't too sure they knew who I was anymore, Lord.
I had an opinion and I wanted someone to hear it. And now,  Lord,  You know what?  I think I would like to go back to the old me.  Since I am not always the "voice of reason", and can't predict the future.....I'm thinking the old "head-in-the-sand" position is more my style.  At this stage of my life, I have  15 decent years left.  Maybe a few more, or a few less.  But, nothing is worth the trouble of being labeled in an unattractive fashion.....I realize Lord.....I COULD BE WRONG!    I lay my anxieties at Your feet.  I want so much to be the servant You need me to be.  If I didn't have to talk to people I'd be fine.( I really do think this at times).
Or, would I?  Could You give me the power?  Would You give me the hope?  Would You give me the energy?  Because, if You would......I know I could make it.  I believe You could and would.  I know the heart thoughts I bare and share with You are important  to You.  I am Your child. What concerns me,  concerns You.   Give me the peace I pray for.  For this and all I ask for.....I ask in the name of Jesus.  Amen.


  1. Hi Mrs. Davis! I totally hear you on feeling like taking the position of not wanting to hurt or offend people with your opinion. I do want to encourage you to continue to be bold and share your heart with those around you. Your opinion is unique and sometimes may be just what others need. Your life experiences and how you have processed them in light of your relationship with God is what makes your opinion so unique. So down let fear or despair silence you. I know I have benefited in the past from your wisdom. :)

  2. Were your ears ringing this last weekend, I was talking to my husband as we drove a good distance together, I was remembering way back to a certain time I sought counsel from my pastor and wife! No one knew, but God's Spirit had been working in my heart and I was finally willing to begin to soften in seeking counsel for my sin need! To this day, I am supremely thankful for the faithfulness of the Holy Spirit's work in my heart and as thankful that I did not harden my heart against His speaking and working! I am thankful that I listened and obeyed and was determined to remain faithful in my decision to serve the Lord! I thank you both for not being soft on me or unconcerned about my life, and for seriously urging me not to make a mess of my life! God's greater plan has been for me a blessing to leave as my gift to our children and grandchildren!

    I love you!
