My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Okay....I'll do it!"

I will.  I'm here.  I'm up and bright eyed.  The bushy-tailed part I'll leave out.  So very often when You wake me up with a bang.....I know it's for a reason.  You want me to You.  I have been putting this off.....You know.....this writing " out loud" stuff.  Lord, tell me.  Why is this so hard?  It gives  me a quick way to express my thoughts than writing in long hand.  It shows me very quickly what I have been thinking is a little off kilter.  It also gives me a lot of peace.  Three good reasons to keep it up, don't You think?  Okay, so.....why then do You practically have to roll me out on my unconscious state to get me doing what I know is so good for me?  Oh, yes.  That's right.  People might think I'm a little odd.  Or weird.....or even foolish to think as I do as I speak to You.   And, yes....there is always the "Why are you doing this for all the world to see?"  As of last count, exactly 268 people have looked at these prayers that I have written to You,  Lord.  It seems to me that a few may see that telling You their own heart thoughts is something that clears the heart and mind of a lot of trash that doesn't need to be mucking up the works!  It does clear my heart of the notions and ideas that make my calling unclear.....way too often .....when I hold off on my writing.....I can see where the creature that is called satan, has muddied the waters that threaten to overtake my being.  He can only go where I allow him to,  when I am awake.  Help me, remember that I really need to wear my Helmet of Salvation to bed.  When I am weary, anxious and fearful, especially.  He creeps in to my mind.  All I have to see is ONE thing that the evil one has touched or created.....and it begins to burn a hole into my psyche.  Lord, he is so cunning.  I aim, with the power of Your name and the presence of Your written word in my mind, that I can cut him down with a word.....a thought....or a song of praise to You, dear One.  I bless Your name, Lord.  And , I praise You with all that is within me.  I  venture into territory that scares me so often.  I must never go without You.  When my heart and mind are stayed in You, then I am free.  By the way, thank You for raising me up out of a sound sleep this morning with that song resonating in my head.   "Who Am I?  that the Lord of all the earth ......would care to know my name.......yes, that's a good way to wake me up.  I needed to access the internet and find out what all the lyrics were.  And, You're right.  They are perfect.....because they fine tune all I tend to think about my own self.  "Who Am I? that the bright and morning star would choose to light the way of my ever wandering....or is it "wondering" heart......both are good in my case, Lord!   No one but You, dear Lord.....can lift me to a higher place than I could ever dream or hope for.  Blessings and blessings and more blessings attend my way.  I am beyond overwhelmed at the mercy and grace You provide me....all the time.  Yes, there are times I have wondered where You are.  Especially at the  anticipation of words needed in any given conversation.  I need You to fill in the gaps for me.  I need You to light the way.....consistently.  I am not great in the "not being prepared" part of life.  I like to have my ducks in a row.  I like to look into the scripture and see myself there.  I love to .....why?  Because my dear One.....I know then, that You in Your own busy-ness....know the needs of my heart and You attend to me busy as You are.   I wish I didn't need so much attention.  I would like to be a little more self sufficient.  Forget that, Lord.  Maybe one day? when I am old and gray?  Forget that, too!   I already am.  Let's just say, Lord , that when You feel I am capable of "running the show" on my own.....I'll be with You!  And, there I will not be causing any trouble....for You or anyone else.  It is getting light outside now.  A new day has dawned.  What lies ahead is in Your hands.  I will, above all else, honor You today in my talk and in my walk.  Your name on my armour  on....I will be Your instrument.  I would like it if You could help me not fall on my face.  It's embarrassing, Lord. (when it does happen)  I always need help getting up.  I don't need anymore dents in my armour than I already do....and I want to be on my feet to deflect the arrows that the evil one propels my way.  Give me Your strength.  Make me strong where I am weak.  Introduce me to a higher level of understanding than I have now.  Make me more like You.  I need more compassion and empathy.  I do not want the issues that arise to deter any resolve I have to be the warrior for You I need to be.  Keep me focused on the prize.
For this day.....surround me with Your power.  I ask all in the name and will of Jesus....the Christ.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Jesus, Lover of my Soul!

Over and over I am amazed at the sustenance I find at the foot of the cross.  It is always a surprise somehow.  I guess I will continually be bowled over by the level of care with which You provide, Lord.  So often, I find myself searching;  or is it waiting?  Maintaining until.....which is sort of waiting also....but,  it's almost like I expect something earth-shaking to rock my world......and shake me from my reverie.  Why am I so morose?  Why do I always expect the worst?  And, if it doesn't come.....I feel no relief, even then because I'm sure it's coming.  Lord, I always expect for You to rescue me, though.....and to no alarm or failure on Your part.....You do.  Every time. 
The song "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" went through my mind as soon as I thought about writing this prayer blog today.  I have looked at the words and I see that once again, it is a "Rescue me, please!" song.  I am perhaps putting too much emphasis on the "waiting for the ax to fall" scenario.  It is only my personality quirks, maybe.  But, I do know that I know I am not alone in worrying about it.  Noooo.....I'm not worrying.....not really.  I'm just letting it go to Your discretion, Lord.  I sincerely believe that nothing comes to me that you have not been aware of....and have nodded affirmatively as You have thought.... "Yes, that will help her grow!"  I  maintain that I should be extra careful to make sure that my armour is on nice and secure.  The thought that satan could seep through the cracks almost makes me crazy sometimes.  I need an extra application of the silicone caulk stuff.  Lord, I always talk about this because I think about it so often.  I just told the ladies in Sunday School yesterday, to not let their guard down.  This satan creature (sorry, I refuse to capitalize him) is out to get us. "Every legitimate trick in the book", I said to them.  He will use every legitimate phone call, visitor at the door, child or spouse in stop us; to cause doubt; to raise our fears; to keep us too busy to concentrate on You and what You need for us to do.  Your plan for us.  Your desire for us to meet our goals that You have already sanctioned. And then.....after all that, I very often feel exhausted.  (he uses that, too!)  I find it easier to sit down and think about it.....and do nothing.  If I could conquer that last area I would feel like I could breathe easier, Lord.  I do not like feeling that I have failed You in any way.  People in my life that observe all of the " this , that and the other" about me....and either like me or not.....often plague me (because I can't make them all happy) but hope and all-out goal is to please You.  You know what my "best" is. 
Where will it take me?  I am concerned about one place. The one You are preparing for me.  Oh, Lord.....make me the instrument for You that You need me to be.  Let me to Thy bosom fly....while the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high!  Hide me, O my Savior, hide....till the storm of life is past.  Safe into the haven guide...O receive my soul at last!  I will forever hide in You, Lord!  I have no other recourse.  You are my safety net.  You are.  You are. 
All I need.....all I in Your care.....and prayed for in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"I Know You Love Me....."

All I can think of, how much You love me.  And,  I still do not understand why.  I need to stop trying to understand it.  I have tried to analyze it.  I have written.  I have studied.  There is no reason why You should except that You promised You would since  I am Your child and love You.  It is nothing I have done.  What in the world do You see I can do for You.  I falter too often.  I make offensive statements too often.  I am soooo unlovable at times.  How in the world do You take time for me?  Okay......I said I wouldn't keep on trying to understand.  So, I will stop.....for now.  But, Lord.....just let me say "Thank You , again and again for the gift of Your love to me.  When I go off on my own....perusing the world that you have allowed me to live in.....and do not make a conscious effort to keep you in my always amazes me how You draw me back in where I need to be.  Can You accept my apologies for forgetting what is really important.  Even in times of "respite", I need to acknowledge You as my foundation consistently.  Daily.  Hourly.  Too often, I don't.  I want so much to be lazy sometimes.  Can I afford to do that?  I doubt it.  Lord, You don't even have to give me an answer.  I know that the evil one is just standing back and waiting for an opening.  Sealing up my" house" tight never stops him.....he just gets quieter....slinking into the background awaiting a slip-up on my part.  Thank You, Lord for the devotional I read the other day from "Joni and Friends".  You knew exactly what I needed to see.  You have a way of whipping me back into shape without it hurting too much.  Or, even at all.  As I read her devotional I could see that I AM NOT ALONE.  And, Lord (?).....that always makes me feel like I am not such a varmint.  "A hands-off approach to my walk with Christ has never gotten me anywhere.  God played the key role in my justification and I have the responsibility to play the key role in my sanctification", she writes. So, I can see that I am responsible.  If I plan on being the instrument I keep saying I want to be,  I have to be actively engaged in my own salvation as I work it out with "fear and trembling".  Lord, help me me to "get it".  If I am spiritually lazy by not approaching the Throne of God on a consistent basis.....not properly reading Your word......not talking to You daily.....not "living" my faith in front of others or witnessing.....or even trusting You to run my life.............well, then I am not taking this relationship that I proclaim to have with You seriously at all.
Boy, did I ever just say a mouthful.  And, did I pay attention?  Was I just giving You the usual lip-service.  Shame on me, Lord.  I see where my attention to detail is lacking.
Thank You Father for the update to my progress.  I am always thankful for Your intervention.  I am consistently amazed at the way You love me......and protect me......and give me Your grace and mercy on top of it all.  Thank You dear One.  
I give You praise and thanks.  I give You my heart.  Each word is written with Your name emblazoned on it....and above all....Your will.  I say then....amen.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

You know, Lord....I'm not sure this is an "outloud" post or not.  I guess we'll decide when I'm done talking.  It's the oddest thing.....I remember so well.....asking You that my mother not die on or around my first granddaughters birth.  I just felt that it wasn't a good thing to sort of have the memory of both events at one time.  You allowed it  I know.  I have resolved that.  But, tonight.... on the day we are celebrating the eighteenth birthday of my beautiful granddaughter, I can't seem to think of anything else.  The day was memorable not only because of her birth but, we had arrived early at the prediction of a huge snow storm that was to shut down the area.  Just in case, we wanted our daughter to feel at ease with us there for her.   I guess, Lord, that I am thinking about the trip up to her home.   On the way there,  I stopped at the rehab hospital to see my mother, I knew something wasn't quite right. She has been there nearly five years.  She had been unconscious for one year.  My brothers and I wondered how long her health was going to hold out.  She had lived much longer than anyone had thought.  But, I did wonder how long her body would subsist on the ventilator.  It was so awful to hear that constant sucking and whooshing sound.  I can still hear it.  Smell it, even.  It's an uncomfortable memory.
Thinking about it all sort of makes me sick, Lord.  But....remember, that afternoon, Lord?  When I walked in
the nurses alerted me that they were noticing a change in her.  Her temperature was lowering, they said.  I couldn't believe how cold she felt when I bent to hug her.   Lord, when I left that day, I had a sense that I would not be seeing her again in that place.  A few days later, after our granddaughter was born and we had welcomed her home.....I was holding her close.   It was late and I got word that mom was in the process of dying.  I remember looking down at this precious little child...feeding her while her mother slept through the night.  I recall making the decision.  I believe You guided my thought process as I thought about the son-in-law driving me the 2 hours it would take to get to her side.  Lord....I really believe staying with my responsibility there with my girl,  was the right thing to do.  I had given my mom all I could for as long as I could in every way that was within my power.  Now, I felt that she was headed to You, Lord.  I was content in knowing she would be with You soon.  Nothing I could murmur in her ear would change anything or give her comfort.  Thank You Lord for that assurance.  I cannot believe it has been 18 years since she died.  Lord, thank You for comforting her when I could not.  I appreciate the power of Your love to give us peace in the storms that come into our lives.  The ones  that seem to go on forever.......and the ones that come and go so quickly, we barely have time to even react.  It is my hope and goal, continue to allow You to give me wisdom and a sense of assurance in the decisions that I have to make.  I give you praise.  I honor Your power.  I thank You.  My children.  My grandchildren.  My precious husband and the love and life that You have allowed us to have.  You, are my salvation. 
The timing of it all  does not matter anymore.  Your presence  surrounding our lives is what is vital to us.  Stay close Lord.  I need You.....all the time.  Amen.   PS a day later......I'll post.  You deliver, Lord.