All I can think of, how much You love me. And, I still do not understand why. I need to stop trying to understand it. I have tried to analyze it. I have written. I have studied. There is no reason why You should except that You promised You would since I am Your child and love You. It is nothing I have done. What in the world do You see I can do for You. I falter too often. I make offensive statements too often. I am soooo unlovable at times. How in the world do You take time for me? Okay......I said I wouldn't keep on trying to understand. So, I will stop.....for now. But, Lord.....just let me say "Thank You , again and again for the gift of Your love to me. When I go off on my own....perusing the world that you have allowed me to live in.....and do not make a conscious effort to keep you in my always amazes me how You draw me back in where I need to be. Can You accept my apologies for forgetting what is really important. Even in times of "respite", I need to acknowledge You as my foundation consistently. Daily. Hourly. Too often, I don't. I want so much to be lazy sometimes. Can I afford to do that? I doubt it. Lord, You don't even have to give me an answer. I know that the evil one is just standing back and waiting for an opening. Sealing up my" house" tight never stops him.....he just gets quieter....slinking into the background awaiting a slip-up on my part. Thank You, Lord for the devotional I read the other day from "Joni and Friends". You knew exactly what I needed to see. You have a way of whipping me back into shape without it hurting too much. Or, even at all. As I read her devotional I could see that I AM NOT ALONE. And, Lord (?).....that always makes me feel like I am not such a varmint. "A hands-off approach to my walk with Christ has never gotten me anywhere. God played the key role in my justification and I have the responsibility to play the key role in my sanctification", she writes. So, I can see that I am responsible. If I plan on being the instrument I keep saying I want to be, I have to be actively engaged in my own salvation as I work it out with "fear and trembling". Lord, help me me to "get it". If I am spiritually lazy by not approaching the Throne of God on a consistent basis.....not properly reading Your word......not talking to You daily.....not "living" my faith in front of others or witnessing.....or even trusting You to run my life.............well, then I am not taking this relationship that I proclaim to have with You seriously at all.
Boy, did I ever just say a mouthful. And, did I pay attention? Was I just giving You the usual lip-service. Shame on me, Lord. I see where my attention to detail is lacking.
Thank You Father for the update to my progress. I am always thankful for Your intervention. I am consistently amazed at the way You love me......and protect me......and give me Your grace and mercy on top of it all. Thank You dear One.
I give You praise and thanks. I give You my heart. Each word is written with Your name emblazoned on it....and above all....Your will. I say then....amen.
I love this.... Sometimes I dont know why God called me to be his child but he did and I am soooooooo grateful.