My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, March 5, 2012

"Hey, them's fightin' words!!"

 Lord, I think You know how annoyed I was.  Of course You did.  And, I'm not really sure....but, I think You were probably agreeing with my assessment of that phone call.  It was a "listening" phone call.  And, as I listened, I didn't care too much for what I was hearing.  Naturally after the call, I was weighing the possibility of  "telling an empathetic party" how I felt.  In the busy-ness of the day.....I forgot to.  I began carrying on the duties I had to perform.  It wasn't until I was in front the ladies in our Sunday School class that I realized how You had stepped into my heart and provided the peace I needed.  I thank You so very much.....not only for giving me such clarity yesterday, but solace too.  It is ridiculous to me how satan uses the most inane conversation.....replaying the same words over and over in my mind.....and takes me to levels of anger that could ruin me.....and my relationship with You.  Thankfully, God......thankfully, You minister to me......You give me peace.  My seemingly fragile psyche rises again from the ash heap and lives to see another day.  I thank You for the power of Your presence.  I thank You for the nurturing of the Holy Spirit that attends to my sometimes fractured heart.  For the name that is above all names.....blessed Redeemer....Lord of all.....You are my hope.  I give glory to You for You alone are worthy of any that is worth even talking about.  I will not allow the sorrowful words or the "just plain mean" attempts  to ruin my days with worry about "how to fix it".  Lord, I've been alive long enough and a child of God long enough to know there are many things I cannot fix.  The battle in the war of words is often lost.....because I don't have enough of them....and too one is listening.  So, if You don't mind Lord.....I give it to You.  Exodus 14:13 came to me long ago when I thought I needed to go on the field in the heat of battle.....and I had no ammunition.  I deferred to this verse.  It worked then.  And, I claim it in the name of Jesus, I believe it is now in Your hands, Lord.  Just in case You forgot, is where You spoke to Moses and gave him comfort in Your ability to solve any situation.  I quote the words:  "And Moses said to the people, Do not be afraid.  Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today.....For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.".   I remember Lord, when you first gave me that verse.....I was sitting at the kitchen table that John's Dad made for us......I was reading it out of  The Living Bible then......and it said something like....." the Lord will fight for you and you won't have to lift a finger....." .    Lord, that is the kind of battle I prefer to be in.  I never can think of the right words at the "right" time.  My "perfect comeback" statements are often in my dreams.  Sometimes I wonder why.  And, then.....I realize that You are making me into the image of Yourself and You can replace that desire to give a snappy comeback with quiet resolve.

So often, Lord.....I feel the need to speak.  To explain.  To continue to explain. How about if I hand the incessant desire to "explain" over to You.  You Lord.....You speak louder and say less than anyone I know.  Do Your work in me......and in those I choose to defer to.  I love You. Thank You for the love You provide me all the time.

I ask.....I plead.....I speak the name of Jesus.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Very good post AC. I think we all have those times when we fall victim to, "ridiculous inane conversation....." Loved your post.
