My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, April 1, 2013

Thank you, Father.  Thank you for giving us a plan to follow.  Thank you for giving us a wonderful example to express Your love to us.  After seeing the depiction of Your words to us from the presentation of "The Bible",  I am stunned at the realization of how deeply You love us.  Seeing the suffering.....and  the sacrifice  made is not for the faint of heart.  Where in the world did the idea that being a Christian is for weaklings?  I am amazed at the tenacity of the men and women who were determined to follow You and spread the gospel as they understood it to all who would listen. 
Lord, as I watched so many being terrorized.....and how lost they must have felt when Jesus left their presence.....I don't know if I would have made You proud at all.  The "under-the-bed and cover my head" position is the one that seems closer to my reaction.  Thank You for the impact You had on Paul.  He was changed by his encounter with You.  It must have been powerful to see the difference. 
Lord, as our choir presented the cantata yesterday, I praise You for making the words and the music come to life.  After so many ill - sounding practices...... there were so many of us touched by Your presence as we sang.  Knowing You take us just as we are.....broken, wounded, empty, lost.......each one of us You mend, and heal, fill and find.  No one can does that job like You do.  No one.
Lord,  empower me to be a better disciple for You.  One that does not draw away from  the confrontations with those who do not believe in You.....but, I ask for the patience and kind heart that never gives up and always believes there is hope while there is life. 
Thank You for the excitement that comes from being Your child......and seeing how a life can be changed.  From dark to is amazing how You can love us into being all You planned for us to be. 
Your grace is enough.  Even when I doubt.....and falter.  I know my Redeemer me and through me.
In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your encouraging and faithful letters to God. God does not fail us but lifts our Spirit! Amen to the Canata and to your work with teens. Many Blessings to you.
