I wonder, Lord, if sometimes You could just stop me mid-sentence, when I am on a rant. I think that perhaps my years of never expressing an opinion.....or, perhaps, no one asking my opinion has spawned this streak in me. I found myself slightly embarassed at some of the things I was talking about recently with friends. I'm finding that I am telling You way too often that I need Your help these days; ie: "Stuff a sock in it, little lady!" These areas that concern me are the ones where it seems EVERYONE has an opinion, "spiritually speaking", of course, and it's like, I need to get in on the act......so folks can see I have a brain too. At this point, I'm tired of saying to You......"Lord, I am sorry....I should have counted to 10 first." There was nothing untrue.....or hurtful. I just contend that it was unnecessary to speak of at all. Even when something IS true......it is not something that needs to be spoken of , necessarily. It is so unnecessary, that I feel that to pursue talking is walking really close to the "gossip" area of verbage.
Jesus, these days are so full of tumult. The only thing that hasn't happened so far is that the sky hasn't fallen. Wars and rumors of wars is never ending. The pestilence, pillaging and slaughter of human beings seems to fill the news arena's on a steady basis. Our families are being threatened with the wiles of satan and his imps. Terrible news of serious diseases are attacking our friends and loved ones. We pray. We hope. We try to praise to combat the fears we have of evil winning. To speak the name of Jesus, gently and sweetly, calms our fears for a while. Sometimes I do wonder why we have to KEEP praying for the same thing.....as fervently as we first did. Simply because of the sin satan besets us with. If he can discourage us.....demean us......devour us with his taunting....then he has a foothold. Lord.....we can never give up. Help us remember to never allow him any access. What you meant when You inspired the scripture to be written that tells us...."My heart says of you, 'Seek His face!' ". Obeying Your nudges......(and, I am always pretty sure it is indeed a nudge!) , obeying the words I have read in the scripture, or thoughts from a sermon.....all of this is not to be ignored. It also sets me aside from the average when I am quick to pay attention and honor Your request for me. And......it takes me to the scripture in Luke 16: 10 where You "suggest" that if You can trust us with "very little" ......You can trust us with "very much". I'm not sure I'm there yet. And, Lord.....to be honest.....I am afraid to say it aloud.
IF......and that is, a big IF.......I will believe always You will give me strength and wisdom WHEN You need me to have it.
Until then, I remain Your faithful servant.....honoring You in what I say.....and hopefully, what I do. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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