Lord, I find myself continually grateful that I can move and breathe, live and laugh. I moan to You consistently that I'm tired, or sad or anxious or disgusted.....and probably will always and forever continue to do so...... but today, I thank You that I am loved and honored. It is a blessing to be asked to babysit for my children's children. As I continually wipe faces, clean behinds, pick up toys, and the usual eagle eye on the lookout.....I think about Sarah having a child at 90 years. Lord, please tell me she had handmaidens helping her. I understand what having children is about. You allowed me to birth five of them.....and raise them. It is constant watchfulness. I remember taking the children to the neighbor's swimming pool and counting heads at five minute intervals. One, two, three.....where's three....there! Four, five. Whew! One, two, three, four.......okay, there's five! Constant. Mothering. Loving. Disciplining. Speaking. Yelling? (Who, me?) It always was something I knew I could have never done, if, You hadn't helped me think....and maneuver time and chores......I know I would have faltered. I often hoped and prayed the choices I made for them were smart ones....up to date ones....according to Your leadership guiding me. I'm not sure how it all happened so quickly.....maybe......more than likely.....all my decisions were not smart.....but, sincerely wrought.
Lord.....as I have chased this child through the house.....and , remember now......he's crawling!......I have thanked You for the quiet, when he takes a nap. Years ago, I caught up on housework when they slept....... As this week has proceeded.....I've prayed for long naps so I could take one too!
Jesus.....dear sweet One.....I am thankful for the day it dawned on me that writing to You would ensure I had a devotional time each day. I never thought of it to be anything more than a way to talk to You and let You have the worries I had about my hope and prayer that what I was doing was pretty close to right for our children. I learned quickly that everyone had an opinion about what I was doing right.....or wrong. And, of course, it was usually the ones who had no children that spoke the loudest. I, being so dependent on the approval of others, always found myself sinking to the depths in those times. I am thankful, dear One, that You always lifted me and encouraged me. I love that the devotionals and scriptures that You gave me then, are still touching my heart. It's so funny how You speak to us through a scripture at 23, or 35, 56 or 69....and the same scripture speaks in different ways.....as goes the years and the situation I'm in. I know it works like that for all of us that need Your constant attention. I can't go too long without an infilling of Your spirit in my heart.....and mind.
Thank You for loving us through all the times of our lives. No matter where we are, what we are doing, where we are living or what we are saying......You make it so real to me.....and up to date. All I pray and ask for.....I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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