I'm so grateful, dear One....for being able to talk to You. It has so much more meaning to me when I can write out the thoughts that are clamoring to get out of my heart. I know that the heart and the head are two different entities. Why does my heart and my head feel connected? For me, most of the time, it seems to work. I love the way You work. I am grateful that you are aware of my need for You to nudge me when I am happy to be a slug. I am grateful that You do give me a sense of unmet needs that require my attention. I am grateful mostly, that You always meet that need for me. "I need You every hour, Most gracious Lord....No tender voice like thine, can peace afford. I need thee, Oh, I need thee; Ev'ry hour I need thee! Oh bless me now, my Savior; I come to thee!" You are the light of my life. I give my husband the next place with that light. You don't always make me laugh, Lord. (He usually can with his antics!) I do find that when the dust has settled after a particularly hard place, I can find a smile. I believe it is the contentment that I find in knowing, in all things, You have control. I like to know that You give me the mental ability to rekindle the joy of putting something together that requires skill. In all things, since we retired, I've wondered what my place should be. Where do I find my joy? How involved should I be? And, I guess, is that what gives me peace anyway? I remember several years ago a song was written called "Broken and Spilled Out". So often, Lord, I connected that song with the areas of my life where I felt I had been "used up for Thee". I remember weeping to those very lines as they were sung. It seems to me dear One, that I have been "used up for You" and still wait to be mopped up by someone. Why is it? Why, when I know others have gone through the fire......perhaps, still are.....that I moan about this? I can easily say, I need a kick in the pants when others have suffered so much more. The fact that I can write this text......still breathing on my own.....is a blessing. I believe You are my God. I believe You are the mighty One. I believe You answer prayers in a way that will benefit all who believe in You. The "whys" have not all been answered to my understanding.....perhaps they never will be.....but I do ask for the benefit of all who are involved......it is what is best, for me and for mine.
"I need Thee every hour.....stay thou nearby.....Temptations lose their pow'r, when Thou art nigh.....
I need Thee every hour....in joy or in pain....Come quickly and abide...or life is vain. I need Thee, Oh, I need Thee....Ev'ry hour I need Thee.....Oh bless me now, My Savior; I come to Thee."
In all things, I need Thee.....and ask all in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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