Okay Lord....what was that about? Did You not want me to post the letter I just wrote
You? Sometimes this computer asks me questions I do not understand. Obviously, I just
hit the wrong button. And, all I wrote was lost; but not to You. The wonderful trip
to the Outer Banks is a blessing. To have our children here and their families (near-
ly all) is a blessing to my husband and I. You know we have 22 now. Eighteen are here. Restaurant hostesses just roll their eyes when we walk in. To see our five,
grown and living for You is a gift You have allowed us to have. To remember that the
long road to get them there was all You, Lord. Nurturing, loving, disciplining in a
consistent manner took about all we had. "Be strong in the Lord"...."The joy of the
Lord is my strength" were just a couple verses we leaned on. There are times Lord
when I feel I have too much....that I have more than I deserve....satan jumps on that bandwagon that travels through the town in my mind. I have to often speak Your
name to get him out of there. Thank You Lord for the gifts You've given. The wonder
of it all, I lay at the foot of the cross. That's where it goes. So many are suffering. I think of the tragedy in the Gulf. There is no telling the lives that are
affected by all of this. You know. You are sifting this. You are there. Why don't
people call on You more to give them wisdom? Lord, I don't understand that. Thank You
for watching over us and giving us the honor of Your presence. I ask Lord that when
I feel that You are ignoring me....or rejecting my plea's...that I will remember the
verses You gave me when Mom had her accident that led to her death. After month's of
no real conversation between You and I....(except "HELP!) You gave me two verses from
Isaiah. Chapter 41. Verses 9 and 10. (Excuse me if You will,Lord....I've changed a
few things) "You are my servant. I have chosen you. I have not rejected you. So do
not fear....for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen
you. I will help you." What in the world more could I ask for? Besides blessings,
You give me wisdom in my trials. I will forever praise You. I pray in the name of
Jesus. Amen. Lord, please don't forget about the concerns of my heart. I still need
You to take charge and have Your will and way. Amen.
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