My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wanting God's Plan

Dear Lord, It's me again. Over and over and over, I come to You with the thoughts of
my heart and believe because You are God, that You care about me and mine. I need
for You to take care of my children today. When we turn them towards the world and
in essence say, "Okay, you're on your own now. Go ahead...", it is for me, taking off
the training wheels. Lord, the years have passed by so quickly and I look at the five
adult children I have taken the training wheels off of and declare to You and the
world I have given the best I have. I am blessed and thankful for them. Now, Lord...
I need for You to give them the places where they can shine for You.
I believe that You place Your children in areas where they can do their best work and
be the best instrument that could be heard. Often, I wish that You'd take my advice
and do things that I'd like to see happen....but, alas, (sigh) You don't! Only You
Lord, can see the lay-out of the pattern, the execution of the plan You have and how
we have worn the garment. Lord, I pray that the plans that You have laid out for me
and mine, will be plans that we don't try to talk You out of....or fail to follow to
the letter. Of course, I know for myself, I've been almost positive You forgot me...
and tried to get Your attention by pouting....or yelling. Lord, forgive my intent to
want my own way. Help me remember that You do know what You're doing in our lives...
and You will, if we will be content in the situation we are in, do for us what we can not possibly do for ourselves. I truly believe in You....and I ask all that I do
ask, in Your will and in the name of Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt C., This was especially meaningful to me as now it is time for me to step back even more from trying to decide what is best for my sons...I love you, and the good words you write in this blog are a blessing. You are a great mother and a wonderful aunt.
