Father in heaven....it's me, again "O, Lord, standing in the need of prayer." "You've answered a million prayers before, that I forgot to thank you for.....so, I just came to talk to You, Lord." Sometimes when I talk to You, titles or lines from songs just say it best. And, as I always do, when I try especially to thank You....I end up asking that You "help" me as I pray, to pray for what I should. Anyway my thoughts are jumbled because I am thinking....should I wait to thank you.....and then, I wonder...wait? Why? Because, maybe what I am thinking You're going to do is not what I am hoping for....yet, I can see the egg cracking and if I don't touch it...and wait....the power of the cross will always suffice in the outcome. I read somewhere that if you disturb a shell as a little peep is trying to make it's way into the world, it will die. The little chick needs the "uncomfortableness" of stretching it's body and moving, heretofore unknown territory....to arrive in the world ready to breathe in the air, and live and see a new place. I have lived so much of my life that way, Lord. I almost wonder if I was not left in the womb long enough! Anyway, yesterday, You gave me a verse in my devotion time.....as it turned out, I don't even remember what the actual devotion was about....all I saw was the verse. I, am hanging my hope and trust in You on it. To say it outloud, makes me happy. I am waiting as an unborn peep to see what You
plan. I love my new favorite verse!! Thank You Lord. I realize You do not need any
reminders....that You will do what You aim to do, (when I keep my hands off and mouth
closed) but as I say it again, I bless You and I thank You for Your abundant patience
and love. Isaiah 43:18-19, says to all who pay attention that I must forget "all
that, because it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do
something new....see, I've already started! Do you see it? I will make a pathway in the wilderness...I will create rivers in the desert....." Lord, I am
overwhelmed by Your lovingkindness. I do not see anything yet, but a tiny fracture.
I am standing back to see the wonderfulness of the plan You have created. I love
You, Lord. I am trusting You, Lord. I mean it! I do trust You. In the name of
Jesus....and the divine will of God I pray.....Amen.
Oh My! Dear Aunt Corrine, I needed these two verses today so very much! God spoke them to me through you. I opened up my Bible and I had already underlined verse 18, but after agreeing with the instructions in that verse, I had always stopped there, and so I missed the promise in the second verse! Thank you so much for taking the time to write your wise words on these pages. Love you!