You know, Lord....I was thinking that when things are relatively smooth, I hesitate
to sit down with you and write as I should. It irks me that my tendency to write out
my complaints and requests to you come easier than the praising part. I suppose it is
our nature to do just that but I would like to change that part of me. There may be a
day I cannot pick up a pen and scribble out some lines to you. I remember, Lord, when
Mom could no longer hold a pen and write down a recipe or a note to someone. I remember thinking that I would have to renavigate my way of praying if that would
happen to me. Could I do that? Well, of course, Lord....I believe I could and would
put every ounce of my energy into speaking outloud to you. I would have to, Lord. My
mind wanders too much....I forget what I'm talking about and what is important for me
to pray for.
Lord, I can see where you have done some work for me. I let a few of the
requests I've made to you recently out of my grasp and allowed you to do what You will. (Without my help). I can see where You have rearranged my "dire straits" plea's
and given me the peace I crave. I can see that You are doing what You do....the way
You want to do it. I really thought I had a couple good ideas Lord. I do not understand that "all things work together for good" part of the scripture. I wish I
could see more of what I want to happen, happen. But, thanks be to You God, I have
decided to put my hope and my trust in You and believe that since I am Your child,
You will answer my requests in Your time and in Your way. Over and over I write You,
praying that You will satisfy the cries of my heart. I wait and I wait believing You
are going to move mountains....sometimes though, Lord....I realize that I am the
mountain that is in Your way. When I say, "I ask all of this in the name of Jesus"
and/or suggest that it is "only in Your will that I pray"......well, I do mean it, Lord! Now, please HELP ME TO REALLY MEAN IT!
For the requests of our family, the cries of our hearts and the hope for tomorrow, I ask in the name of Jesus and the will of God.... For now though, I say, Amen.
Love your blog AC. I haven't been keeping mine it the heat? I must try to post something today!