My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, October 22, 2010

THE ROARING LION.....scary stalker?

Lord, this is sometimes an exercise in "staying calm" . I just wrote You. Clicked a button. And,
I guess, lost it all. I wasn't sure when I started writing that I would use it as a "post". And, then
when I got half way through, I'm thinking, " I guess I will post this ".... and continued writing.
Well, You know me Lord. You know that when I write a prayer, and push a button, and lose it.... that for some reason, You do not want me to share it. So, I'm thinking..."okay, Lord....I guess You don't want this one out there in cyberspace for anyone to see." Well, I am going to rewrite what I wrote. Exact words and phrasing are going to be lost...but, I want to try say it all again. I think I began like this...."Lord, it has been a busy week for me. I've enjoyed it. It has made me feel needed. I haven't had time to sit and brood.
Regrettably, I spend too much time doing that. Even with the television on, and my hands busy
doing something....I brood. I know it's not a good thing. I think it tends to be a workshop that the devil enjoys working part-time in. My mind. "Greater is He than is in me, than he that is in the
world." What is that, I John 4:4? I think it is. Lord, I need to remember that. Satan's like a
roaring lion , roaming to and fro', trying to dig a place wide enough to get a nose in. After that,
unless we, You and I Lord, stomp him down and out....he's in. Doing his best to knock me out
of the race I'm in . Making sure my eternal home is in Heaven with You Lord is my goal. There
is no doubt about it. That is what I've worked for all of these years."

Lord, this is crazy. I can barely remember what I wrote a half hour ago. And, though I refuse
to remain silent and give the devil any power today, it's okay with me. Perhaps, all I said before
is what only You needed to hear. I know, Lord, I have hesitated to do this at all....this "praying
out loud" business.....and I have truly been surprised that so many see themselves....jeepers, I
thought I was the only weird one!! HeeHee!
I guess if we weren't so afraid to let people see the "real us", we'd have more people to count on than we would ever believe. Suffering alone is awfully sad. And, I believe, another playground for satan. essence, Lord....the prayer I originally wrote is gone from me and my mind, I guess. But, to You, it has been computed. You heard every word. You knew what my heart was saying and You will give to me all that I need today.
Tomorrow, I will ask for more of You. I will ask that You protect me, and guide me into all the truth You have for me. I ask Lord, that the shadow of the Almighty
God would guard me and mine. That I would run to You for the protection I so very desperately
need. And, I ask in the name and power of Jesus. God....You are my God. And, I will forever
praise You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Brood...the perfect word...and busyness sometimes makes me brood even more...especially when I am cleaning...that's when I really brood and have bad memories assault me. Does that mean I should clean less? Now I am smiling. I love your posts!
