My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why Do I Pray........? Because....I want to!

Lord, I'm sitting here going over some devotional stuff....the television is on and the subject
matter annoys I click it to "mute", I feel calmer. I can think a little better when there is
silence. I love for You to give me things to think about. One subject I heard batted around this
morning is the various candidates that are up for election. As usual, the candidates that spout
any religious verbage are castigated and shown to be "froot-loops". Some, I suppose, are using
whatever they can to get attention....but for those who truly love You and look to You for their
wisdom, it's sad. No one seems to take anyone that loves You seriously. I heard talk about
praying.....and who to pray to and what to pray for and what is the point of praying anyway. Lord, I know that if I were to try and explain why I talk to You as I do , especially to someone
who does not know me or my background, they would look at me as if I were foolish. I know
there are those who do know me and my background, and still think the things I pray about are
ridiculous. I guess, Lord, what I need to do, is concern myself less on what others think about my praying. also bother's me that so many times people who do not pray,
feel that those who do pray, are weak. And, that why in the world does God have
to be bothered about what color you should paint a room when he has to be working on getting
this Cholera epidemic in Haiti under control. The world views those of us that pray, like that.
And, Lord, they view You like that too. No one seems to understand that You, because You are
God.....can do anything.....atleast anything You choose to do. Sometimes I do not understand
why You put up with this. I know, Lord, that You have been lambasted over and over....any one
of us would have thrown in the towel by now. I love You, Lord. As long as You give me wisdom
to deal with the day to day as I ask, I will forever be grateful to You. I know that I do not have
the answers for all who come to me with questions.....I know that sometimes I do not even have
the patience to deal......but I know that YOU do . And, when I am weary (in well doing) and
have to keep on (keeping on)....I know where the answers lie....I know who holds tomorrow....I
know. I know. Oh, Lord.....You know what is ahead for me today. You know I know where my
strength lies......"O, me to remember that!" I love You and pray always in the name of Jesus. Amen.
You know Lord, re-reading what I just wrote makes me sound like a little girl. Sometimes, I
wonder if You worry I will ever grow up.....why do these areas of angst bug me so much....why
can't I carry on without making a mountain out of a molehill. I felt as I was listening to that
show this morning that if I were to be interviewed about "Why I Pray?"...... my interviewers
would make me appear foolish. And, then I what? However, whenever, and if
ever......I will always serve You and applaud the fact that I know You hear me when I pray. "I
need no other argument.....I need no other is enough that Jesus died and that He died
for me......". Give me Your grace this day, I pray.

1 comment:

  1. I always love to hear your thoughts. Keep them coming. You put things into writing that make me introspective, and that's a good thing. Love you.
