Lord, today is a new day. I haven't started off like I wanted to. First on the list is to talk to You.
And, first on my list today , was coffee.....which is okay....but , next was a comatose position on the couch. I look at my Bible. I look at my devotional. Nothing. Lord, You have a job today.
Get me off the couch. I'll start with the thanking-you part. I am grateful Lord, that I do have a
choice today. I can remain seated on the couch and veg.....or I can remain seated (if I choose) and plan for the next Oasis at my home.....decorating plans for Christmas.....rearranging my furniture for easiser traffic flow when guests come for the holidays. I have umpteen things that
can fill a day. Are they going to make it onto my list today? Lord, in my class yesterday, I heard
about a young mother fighting stage 5 cancer, has 4 children, has not a stitch of furniture, beds or bedding.....the list is long. To speak of our anxious moments of concerns.....well, Lord....it pales
in comparison to a request of this nature. When you speak of no clothing, no furniture, no bedding.....usually means you can't afford food either. Lord, today my needs are not desperate.
My concern today is ...."am I fulfilling the goal you have for me today?.....". You can remain on a
couch if you have a phone nearby to call those that have a need that perhaps you can fill just by
listening to them. But, Lord....so often I can let a day go by and seemingly accomplish nothing. I don't like myself on those days, and am always embarrassed if someone catches me. But....
writing notes, sending cards, making a call, sewing a button or two on your husband's shirt,
are all things that need to be done....and.... I can do them all....and sit on the couch!!! And, by the way, too often, running to put out fires that never start
and shopping to buy what you do not need are also ways to avoid sitting on the couch....but are
not fruitful. So.... am I making
a case for sitting on the couch? Yep....you bet'cha! I find that sitting still....in the quiet....looking
through the scripture.....writing down passages that speak to me....all of these things make me
introspective. That is a place many do not care to go. And, the first reason is: "I don't have
time to sit down and think.....I've got too much to do!" When I hear this....I automatically feel
chastised because I'm not "up and at'em" all of the time. I do make time (even the busiest
days) to sit alone....with You and my thoughts. It's my favorite time. It's almost a requirement
for my personality. I used to (sometimes still do) hide this fact from those closest to me because
I'm embarrassed to admit it. So, Lord....in this prayer I have gone from one end of the spectrum
to the other. First, admitting I like sitting on the couch and feeling sort of guilty about it and secondly, accomplishing something
if I am choosing to sit.....and therein, justifying it. Yes, I am nuts. It's crazy talk. And yet, you
love me. You have chosen me to be a child of Yours. And, even though there are days when I
feel that I have not done my best for You......I NEVER want to let that be a habit. I want my
life to be vessel for You. Perhaps broken off in places.....but spilled out to be the best example of You that I can be. All of these tumbled thoughts I present and ask in Your name , Lord.
I'm Your's. Everything I've got....everything I am.....it's all Your's.
I love everything you wrote...and especially the title you chose...perfect!