My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Think My Halo Is Crooked!

Help Lord.  I can't seem to get off the couch.  I find all these excuses to sit here.  I've got notes to write.....I have lists to make......I have devotions to catch up on.....I have some online shopping to do.  Oh, and did I mention?  More lists to make.  Lord....I am going to need a forklift soon.  Help, I say!
After I finish this letter to You.....I am up and at it!  Christmas tree will be decorated.....and the living room done by suppertime.  I wish I could leave it from one year to the next.  It is cozy and homey and I love it 'til Spring comes.  Then, I have no patience for evergreen.  Lord....of all the stupid things....when so much is happening in the world.  I see that Lebanon has done some bombing in Israel.  People everywhere are going to bed hungry.  Life and death issues are confronting people we know and love.....and I have .....lists to make?  Forgive me and help me concentrate on what is priority for me and mine right now and do the best I can.....with what I have.  Give me the energy to push through the saggy feeling I will get in the middle of it all.  Help me to remember  that "the joy of the Lord is my strength" and the fact that You always have given me the strength and direction I need.....when I stop.....ask.....and wait.  It is just a matter of turning over to You the battle of mind and body. 
As I peruse the devotionals I've got in my inbox, I see that the wonderful habit You have of reminding me of the things I intend to incorporate into my spiritual ever-present.....and awaiting my attention.  As I am beginning to review the areas of concern to You for me, I see that keeping my mind and heart on the things that are beneficial to my growth .  Spiritually speaking.  The forbearance and longsuffering.....kindness and forgiving nature.....all of it, I want to be second nature for me.  Just about the time I think I have it covered.......someone cuts me off on my way to Walmart.....or pulls into the parking spot I've been sitting and waiting for .....properly, with my blinker on!  Those are the times I find a little irritating and the "longsuffering" nature I yearn for , goes out the window.  You know Lord, I have always found it to be maddening to be around people that are always so "perfect acting" and always have the most profound that really what You want me to be?  Childish behavior is not so it?   As one of my kids once said......"Being a Christian is so annoying!"
Why?  Because it's hard to be good?  Especially when someone needs an earful!  The scripture says that when we are children we see things as a child would.....but , when we are older (and wiser)......well, I wonder dear we ever really grow up?  Being a Christian means we are changed.  Oh, Lord.....I don't even want to delve into that statement right now.  All I know is......being like You is important to me.  I want to be Your instrument.  Whatever that this point in my life......well, Lord.......that is what I am willing to do.  Yeah.....that's what I said.  Now.....what I need is for You to help me really mean it. 
I ask all.....Lord the name of the precious Son of God.  Amen

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