My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, November 5, 2011

"In all my ways....acknowledging You!"

More and more I realize how lazy I am, Lord.  It takes effort.....real effort to make myself  decide to move my body to the treadmill.....or the "ten minutes a day and you'll be fit" machine I paid in monthly installments forever....or the stationary bike I just bought at a yard sale for 15 dollars. Now I hear that it has been studied and pronounced that if you just SIT, you are more likely to get colon cancer than one who moves around a bit during an hour.  These things are facts of my life that are troublesome.  Lord, I know I should move more.  I know I should exercise.  I know.  Boy, do I ever.  I also know that this is not a commandment.....and so......I often defer to the couch!  (It's a nice couch.)  As for my spiritual body,  I need  (way too often) Your shove to do as says to me......"In all your ways acknowledge HIM, and He shall direct your paths....".  (Does this include exercise?  I'm not sure I want to know Your answer to me, Lord.)  I will move on to the more spiritual side of my life......and that is the information You send my way on a steady (almost every single day) basis.  I was so interested in reading my devotionals this week.  I thank You Father.  I have seen tidbits of inspiring scriptures and thoughts all week.  I love analyzing and writing down these ideas to make my life coincide more with Your plan for me.  I had read it before and even applied it but never quite saw it like I did the other morning.  When I read from Oswald Chambers devotional for the day, I saw these words......"Our Lord never insists upon obedience;  He tells us very emphatically what we ought to do...but, He never takes means to make us do it.  We have to obey out of a oneness of spirit."  Lord, I was stunned when I read it in that way.  I know You expect us to obey.  I just ......well......I know......uh.......what I should do.....and sort of......forget.  You know, uh, do it right away!
Seems like my prayers the last few weeks sort of all say the same thing.  "I know what I should, will You help me do it?"  I don't think, Lord, that You are going to "help" me to obey You.
I think IF I LOVE YOU AS I CLAIM TO......that I will obey You freely, immediately if not sooner, and in compliance with all You have enabled me with.  I noticed Oswald was very direct when he said that if one does not comply as suggested, then one loves themselves more than they love the God who created them.....(as if I am in competition with You).  I didn't like what I read very much, Lord.  It tended to pronounce me guilty of sabotaging my own spiritual welfare because of my spiritual laziness.  So, now I find myself in the middle of an "out-loud" letter to You.  In essence, making myself accountable to You and whoever, as to what I need to do.  As far as the body goes, that is probably an exercise in futility.....but, Lord......the other part......I can do.  And, I will.  I promise.  To you, my dear , sweet Lord.  I do love You.  And, to put off my pursuit of knowing Your will and plan for me more and ridiculous behavior. 
Lord, there have been so many requests this week for the sadness and sickness in the lives of those we care for.  Father, thank You for being so loving to us.  Thank You for giving us the reprieve of laying our burdens at Your feet.....and knowing You will allow what is best for us.  Oh and to even say that, is scary, Lord. 
How do I love Thee, Lord......let me start counting the ways.  I can't .  It's too much.   Thank You for taking my heart thoughts.  I ask them all in the name of Jesus.  Amen, Lord.

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