My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, May 20, 2013

Every time Lord......Yes......just about everytime I think....."It's time to write my blogpost"...... I begin to freak out about what I should say to You this time!  I have been annoyed about the context that my brain seems to want to vent to and about.  I give up my desire to titilate an audience in my prayers. There is no way I can write my heart thoughts....speaking to You within the recesses of my mind....and not be bombarded with the evil one dogging me. I need You to know that I need You every hour I live.  I cannot help it.  Is that okay?  It seems so child-like.   I plead the blood of Jesus Christ to protect and guide me into all truth....protect me and mine and any readers of this blog.  Lord, we are totally in Your debt.  We can not do anything of worth without  the armor of Your design.  The Breastplate of Righteousness protects and serves us in the battle when our heart and so many other vital organs are protected by it.  The Sword of the Spirit is the lifeblood of my daily walk.  For me, my shoes shod with the preparation of truth.....and the Helmet of Salvation.....are vital, too!  Mostly for me, Lord.....the Helmet.   I have to discern daily who is doing the talking in my life.  The attacks of satan usually give me such anxiety.  Oh.....King of my me into the truth that exudes the most of Your Spirit in my heart.  Give me the exception to the rule of the world,  that I don't have to live under the foot of the devil.  He doesn't have me.  He won't ever.  Even in my dream state, I request Your presence to ward off the evil that he perveys on us as the people of God.  I will press toward the mark of the high calling of Christ.  Free me of the weights that threaten to drag me to a halt.  I cannot bear to think that I would harbor sin and/or insults that would hinder me.  Jesus, You are my hope.  I am Yours.  Changing me.....using me for Your glory is what I ask You to do.  I have to admit, that perhaps it could mean additional time, work and distress for me.....I believe, with You helping me, I could do whatever You ask.  Years ago, I came upon the study of
"Lord, Change Me!".  I believe it was Your idea.  It really showed to me the power of Your Holy Spirit running the places in my heart where I am the weakest.  Your Word, showing me and pushing me to obey what and where I need to change......well, gave me peace;  just knowing You cared about how I would deal with the challenges that come in life.  Mine, in particular.  The grace and strength You provided me....I will never forget....and will always refer to.  I remember that prayer in the book that touched my heart and many others that I quoted it to.......'Lord, somewhere I read that when two people love deeply,  living they begin to resemble each other.  Tell me, long will it be before I look like You.' I remember now that it was authored by Marjorie Holmes.  Her prayers always touched my heart.  Thank You for her.  Thank You for her inspiration to begin writing to You.  I bless You, O Lord.....(if that is even possible)!  I can do nothing for You but, give You praise and glory for all You have done.

All I speak of and pray for, I  speak in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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