My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Lord, I wish I knew how to tell You how I appreciate the privilege of prayer.  Knowing that when I talk to You.....anytime and however I choose to.....You hear me and pay attention to my words.  Too often, I'm speaking like a whiny child....because I've been misunderstood or mistaken.....and You stop and take notice right away.  I hear the rustle in the bush.....I can tell Your presence is near......"the birds hush their singing " and Your spirit enables me to speak as if my voice is the only one You hear.  That is what draws me close to You.....knowing that my concerns are not invalid and/or foolish.  Satan and his accomplices do a bang-up job making me feel as I do.  It is their joy to make our lives miserable.  And, they must get paid well!  (Just sayin'. )  I think my best resolve is to stop giving him so much credit and keep my armor on to deflect the arrows that wound me.  With Your strength helping me, I Your grace.  The living, breathing Word of God is a constant sustainer......I love it.  You are always aware Lord, that the need to read Your word, is our salvation and strength.  I am so sorry Lord, that the times when I seem to be reading and skimming......You throw something in the mix that lets me know......."Hello........Are you paying any all?"  I love that it stops me and makes me think......You are there for me all the time.  You take stock of what I am doing.....and.....not doing.  Thank  You, Father.....for the "wake- up" calls that I get.  I am forever grateful for Your goodness and Your mercy. 
 I am thankful for the birth of a precious grandchild this week  of a couple who had to deal with their own tragedies of terrible loss. They are now rejoicing with their surviving son and his wife. No one could have told them 20 some years ago that they would ever be recipients of  such bliss......but,  dear One.....You are truly gracious.  And loving.  And ever-present.  Did I say loving? 
 How very special You are to me and to millions like me.   I am so grateful that when I think about You,  I don't see a picture of You in repose.  I don't think of You hanging on a cross.  I don't have a vision of You sitting like a lump as the Buddha is shown.  I have a living, breathing picture of You....sitting by Your Father, touching Him, gesturing to those around You.....blinking and emotion-filled,  bearing our requests.  Gracious Father.....You know what is ahead.  You know my heart.
You have places for me to fulfil that only my hands can do or my lips speak.  I do not want to fail You.  Empower me with Your  Holy Spirit.  I am Your instrument.  In Your band , I am able to play all the instruments.  Whether it be sounding gong or a tinkling cymbal.......let me do it to the best of my ability.  For You and Your Kingdom. 
In all I speak and ask....I ask in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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