Is it time, Lord? Are my words ready for retrieval? I am so thankful for what You have allowed in my life. All ingested, spiritually speaking, shows how far I have come......or how You have tended to my heart as others prayed for me. I couldn't seem to put my words together as You were healing me. I couldn't seem to manage a prayer. I am grateful that You took....."Help me, Jesus" to mean......exactly what the words implied. You came. You held me. You gave wisdom and understanding to my Doctor and his attendants. You kept me safe while they worked. I am being given back the gift of writing to You.........and I do thank You for allowing this one more time. The ability to speak to You in my heart and mind are a blessing, Lord......and no one appreciates it more than I do.....but, this form of connecting with You......well, it gives me an edge. It makes me feel closer to You, Lord. I need it. In all of the life decisions that have been made......or are about to be made.....Your plan for us is first and foremost. We......(I) thank You for the "respite" You have given us in all of this drama that we call living. You have taken what we both thought was the "right thing to do".......coupled with some of our wishes and hopes and the issues that needed to be solved......and did all of that with a phone call. How you handle what You do in my little world.....and take care of everyone else that needs Your intervention, makes my head spin. I am thankful for my very faithful husband who has eased my suffering with His constant care for me. I think of the souls who handle their issues without someone to help.....and I realize I am blessed beyond measure. Perhaps, shaken down, and a little dizzy.......but blessed all the same. So many need You......the list is never ending. All we do is cross things off as we go, and add to it .....again and again. I am in need of Your touch all the time. I need Your wisdom all the time......I make the dumbest choices at times...just to get a laugh or a quick fix. I guess that just shows how very human I am. My family......well, Lord.....sometimes they need for me to have an answer.....the answer. And, Lord.....You know I do not. Any wisdom I have comes from You. I pray I can be accepting of that. Strength comes from seeking You.....finding You and then searching each day for the strength to follow Your plan for us. Each of us has that responsibility. For those of us that are Your followers.....I pray that even the words...."Help me, Jesus!" will do. Sincerely spoken, I have no doubt that they will.
Thank You, dear One, for listening to my heart thoughts. I give them all to You and dream for a better day. I speak all of them in the name of whom, I believe is our coming King. Amen.
For those of you interested to buy my book, "My Letters to God".....I ask that You would contact me on the Facebook site or buy it on the AMAZON.COM site. It is my hope that those that read it would realize that Jesus appreciates the fact that we talk to Him and gives us very often.....what our raggedy hearts need. His attention. Thank you so much.
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