My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, October 2, 2015

Lord.....dear One......I have to admit to You, OUT LOUD, that I am so ashamed for not writing.  Only a few times since my surgeries have I actually posted a prayer and with the blessings You have provided......that, in itself is pretty pathetic.  I am well.....and whole.  I am able to walk without limping.  I am able to do a days work, without any pain.....well, not quite yet!  I have put a lot of wear and tear on this 71 year old body.  You have, without any question, blessed me with a quick recovery time and I am so grateful.  Now, Lord.....for all You have provided, throughout the decision process, the preparation to move, the surgeries, the actual move, and the interim process for my recovery.....and the living arrangements for all of that time....I praise You for it all.  It seemed like too much rest.....too much peace......too much quiet.....but, You knew what my husband and I needed.  It was a perfect prescription.  Thank You, dear Lord.  And then, our recent move to South Carolina.  Our little apartment and my maneuvering 2000 sq. ft. of stuff into 1000.  Ha! Ha!  Lord.....You and I have gone around and around about this.  I have finally relented.  I have finally let go.  Don't put my face on any one's radar.  If they wanted anything I had.....I have probably given it away.....or I'm in the process of doing so!  You know how that bothers me.  I hate giving something away......even selling it....and then want it the next week. well You know me.  I have had the same issues for years.  I ask and ask for You to fix things.  I feel better because I ask You.  A few months down the road, I'm asking again.....for the same thing to be taken off of me.  Is that my fault?  Sadly.....I surrender to You that it is.  I have to bear some responsibility.  I have to stop the madness.  I have to not buy because it's on "sale".  I have to walk by something at a yard sale to put on my wall.....that Grandma Janacek used to use when she cooked.  (And, now.....have to get rid of.  No place to hang it!)  Help me let go. I love stuff.  I love the feeling of nostalgia that sweeps over me when I see things we used to have at home.  Whether, it would be the old crank up record player......or the potato peeler like the one my grandma used.  I feel hopeless.  People are dying.  Crying over loved ones lost.  Losing their homes from floods as I speak to You right now.....and I am moaning over this stupid stuff.  Forgive me for being so self absorbed.  Help me to be the individual You need me to be.  Even if I don't want to be.  The other evening, as we walked into our "new home".......I walked over to the piano.  I hadn't seen any of my stuff for months.....and I felt "at home" immediately. (By the way, Lord......I really appreciate You doing that for me!"  I opened the cover to the keyboard and put my fingers on the keys.  I hit an F.  I hit an A.  I hit a C. And, another A.  "Hmmm", I thought, "I will serve thee".  "No!", I thought again.  We just retired.  I'd like to stay out of trouble for awhile.  I'll hole up in my little house.....nobody can get to me here!"  I know, I know, Lord.  That is not the kind of servant You want me to be.  Even, retired.  I can tell You one thing!  Just sitting here, trying to compose a letter to You that makes some kind of sense......I feel pretty foolish.  Why would I turn my back on all You have done for me......and given to me?  
As per usual.....I end up saying, "I'm sorry for doubting You, Lord".......and do what I should do.  I praise and thank You for making things clear......again.
For all I have rambled on and on about.  For all I have ask  You to forgive.  For all I have asked that You would help me do better with......I ask all in the name and will of Jesus Christ.  To God be the glory .......great things He hath done.  Amen and amen.

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