My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Charge to Keep....A life lived for God

Thank you, Lord....for making this day one we will always matter what, our hearts praise you. We are

so very blessed to have been touched by this Godly woman. She was an example to us. She

loved us....and very often tried to change us....but, still maintained that "the Lord willing and Him tarrying long enough....we'd be in the best hands, if we turned our lives over to God. I am

thankful that she loved me and tried to help me in many ways. Her stories. Her testimony. Her

constancy in trying to be as close to You as she possibly could.....all of these, were her legacy to us. I am grateful and so very blessed to have known this woman 47 of my 66 years....therein

giving her time to imprint my life with herself. Thank you Lord for loving us all through these

years where I feel she perhaps fought her hardest battle. The aloneness. The lonely hours of

confused thinking. The tribute of herself to Your cause, Lord. The weariness of trying to adapt

to unfamiliar surroundings. The lack of all she ever knew and loved. The hope of a brighter day

I what You gave her to hang onto. Those times are the ones I have dreaded even for

myself one day. And, is so often what most of us will deal with if we live any length of

time at all. We very seldom get to write the story of our own demise. We can hope that if

death is inevitable....then, it will be one of ease. Drifting off as if to sleep. The scenario is mostly

a prescribed plan....God knows us best. He gives us opportunity after opportunity to come to

Him....placing our lives in His hands....entrusting Him to place us in the areas we excel in to do

the best work we can for Him.....and often, we throw our own plans into the mix and God stands

back, allowing us to live as we want to....and then, when we find ourselves floundering He (if we

ask), saves us from ourselves.

Where am I , Lord? Have I gotten sidetracked with my own interests? Am I turning into a

lazy Christian? I find myself thinking occasionally....I have done that (whatever "that" is) for

years.....I think it's time someone else did their part! An edict that I make when I am just

too tired and worn out to do "one more thing". I ask Lord, again, that You would help me not

to fall into the devil's trap. I get sooo weary of asking for the same things, over and over again.

I also think that this is one of his trap's too. Like I can hear him saying, "Why do You think God

never saves you....all you ever do is whine and cry and ask him to do and do and do for you...if

you're such an awesome child of God You wouldn't have to ask for anything....and, well, if I were Him....I'd give up on you. You never learn.

You're a failure....that's why He doesn't bother with you anymore." Can You believe it Lord?

I fail often because I fall into that plan that satan himself devises for me. He, the king of con
games and confusion, doubt and depression.

Lord, I tell You and I vow to You that I will not allow this. As long as You give me a sane mind...

and breath to speak Your name....I will call upon the Name of the many times as I

want to. I will speak the name of Jesus to send the evil one away from my mind if even for a

time. He bugged You to death Lord. That's not a very spiritual statement....but, if You had to

put up with this icon of evil....then, I will do my best with You guiding me and strengthening me, to do the same.
On this day we lay our Mom 's body to rest in a cold grave. But, we know she has already seen You and
listened to You welcome her to her "heart's delight". We have been touched by Your love
and kindness in being part of her family. Thank You for this most gracious
blessing. Now....I feel that my job is to endure. To continue to encourage my family to follow
You. To look to You for all they need....and want. I thought that maybe this could be Your
charge to me. To glorify You in what I say. In what I think. In what I teach. In what I play.
I take on this directive from You and pledge my life to it.
You are my Lord. In You, I place my trust....just as my husband's mother did....forevermore.

The thoughts Lord....the feelings....the hope of living with You eternally are all blended into the
words You will understand.

Glory to Your Name, Oh Lord. I will praise You to the end of my days. I will see those that are

cheering me on one day. I pray and ask and believe in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


  1. Corrine this Godly woman you speak of must have touched many people in her life. She was truely someone you have learned from. Because you too are a Godly woman and you too have touched my life just as you have touched many other lives over the years. May God continue to Bless you as you do His work. You have a gift of puting into words all the things we need to hear. I thank God for you! Bonnie Leveque

  2. Aunt Corrine, This is a beautiful tribute to Granny. The truth of your words echoes in the lives of those she loved and those who loved her in return. God bless you always. I love you.
