My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's Not As Dark Now....

Lord, it's still dark....and I still feel tired but here I am.....I've come to find You. It's seeming more and more like when I awake, I have this black cloud hovering over me. I need for You to

lift this off of me. I seem to be going through the motions of living....doing what I'm supposed to

be doing (most of the time) but not really cognizant of all that's going on. Sometimes, I think it's

the "doing-too-much" factor. And, then, I realize that most people are on overload. At church,

there's always just the same few that do the work that needs to be done, whether they are tired

or not.

Probably my "mood" is affected by the fact that within just a few days, two gentlemen of our

church have died. One of them was my age. He was always quite active in the softball team of

the church....managed the team umpteen years and spread his love for You and the church the

best way he knew how. He was always at the door of the church, welcoming whoever would

walk in....and in his way, protecting us all. I am sure Lord, that is one of the things You called

him to do....and he did it well. He was dependable. He was always on time. He guarded the

premises fiercely. Besides missing him at church , I think of his wife. His grandsons and his
granddaughter, his two sons and daughter not withstanding, and his son-in-law and daughter -
in-law. His wife fought the brave fight right along with him. She attended to every need he had.
She moved heaven and earth to make his movement to and from wherever he needed to go a
little easier. I was so touched by the attention to every detail of his comfort she had the power
to fix. Saying the words in the vows....." sickness and in health, 'til death do us part"....takes
on special meaning when you see someone really do it. It is going to be so different now. This
man was the life of his family. And, Lord....You have to step in to fill that gaping hole he has
left behind. His wife will feel this emptiness surrounding her. You can sustain her and I ask
that You will do that. Show her the place You have for her to fill now. It scares me to think
I may walk in that valley one day. My only solace is to know that You have done this for
countless individuals who have lost their loved one too.
These moments that we have to face and at times, stumble through, are not new. They are
places that everyone has to walk through in life. The comfort of having someone by your side
to love and depend on is a gift that You provided us with long ago. Your plan to create Eve for
Adam, so he wouldn't be alone was the beginning. You saw that it was good for man not to be
alone. Together, a force to be reckoned with. I guess, Lord, Your plan went out the window in
some cases but for the most part, it was a beautiful design by You.
Thank You , Lord, for giving us such wonderful gifts. A world designed by seasons. The earth
and it's beauty. The heavens and the vastness of the oceans, too....are all about as masterful
as anyone could dream.
You have provided us with the wealth of knowlege and gifts of friendship and comraderie with
many people.
Would You show me how to continue to please You in my own life. To many, a drop in the
bucket compared to what is around me....yet, somehow Lord, You impress on me in many ways,
my importance to You. Thank You for Your great love....and the plan of salvation, and the life
we can have in You, eternally. I praise You, Lord. I love You, Lord. Thank You for the
promise of Springtime. A brighter day. Hope for tomorrow. And, me to not waste
this day. It is a day You have created for me to live, work and make the day better for someone
else. I pray this and lay my cares at the foot of the the name of Jesus. Amen.

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