My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gathering the Manna.....(don't save any!)

It's always this way, Lord. Too much to do in too short of a time frame. It's the usual scenario
for me....although, I could change it if I really wanted to. Lord, I do have some legitimate excuses. Do You want to hear them? I could, but I won't. I'll just have to work double-time...
plus perhaps lose some sleep. But, I awoke at 2:35 this morning. I was dismayed to see the
clock with that display on it. I'll be taking cat naps all day to recover. There is much to pray
about today as usual. We are always coming to You for the strength and wisdom to get through
the day. And, as You always do....You give us what we need, when we need it. I've noticed, Lord, that You have a tendency to not give us an over-abundance of what we ask for....but,
just enough. You know I have a tendency to save things.....I'd probably have boxes full of love,
strength, wisdom, healing, etc., if You provided an overflow. (And then I would probably forget
where I put them) I recall that You provided the
Israelites with whatever they asked for....all the time. I recall how You suggested that they only
gather enough manna for the day's needs. Not to be stored away, for a "snack" later or a few
weeks down the road when it looked like there might not be enough to eat. I also recall how the
food You provided, spoiled, when they were disobedient and gathered more than they needed
anyway. I sort of loved it when You got Your point across to this unhappy bunch of
ingrates. And, I hate it when I think that I could possibly be in that group that thought I could
get away with gathering more than I knew my family would need....and try to stash it so it could
be used later if I thought we needed it. Lord, I save stuff all the time that I think I will surely
use later....and often do (need it) and can't find it anywhere. I've torn more rooms apart looking
for something I wanted....knew I had....and finally gave it up. Lord, there are things I need to
change. There are things, important things, that I need to work on to make my life richer for
You. There are things that encumber me....bind me down....worry me....drag me to a slow
crawl. I would love to be able to think of something I want....something I put away because I
knew I could use it again. Then, I want to go open THE drawer, or THE closet, or THE box....
and pull it out and this possible, Lord? Well, we'll see, won't we? And, I
think before I ever get that accomplished.....I'd love to remove any unsavory spiritual debris
I've attracted over the years. There are so many opinions from so many of Your servants and
ideas from books written for centuries....all of them, touting another way to look at the inspired
word of God, instead of the way I see it. I'd like to clear out this debris, so that You can talk to
me and I will not be encumbered by everyone else's opinion on what I am concerned about,
spiritually speaking. I have always had a tendency to have "sort-of" an opinion....listen to other
ideas about the same....and then, think, "Well, that's another way to look at it....maybe they are
right." Lord, I'd like to have confidence in the fact that when You present me with Your words
in a devotional, or scriptural text, and I study it believing that it is something You want me to
know and learn....that the way I am seeing it is the way You know I will understand. I think
people forget that You saw me being formed in my Mother's womb.....You, Lord....know exactly
how I am wired and how I understand what You are showing me. I know there are many areas
I have an opinion....and try to explain it to someone....and they look at me as if I hadn't been
speaking, and ........ uh.....Lord, thank You that You know what I mean. I am grateful. Even-
though I can't see You, I know You understand my heart thoughts. And, so.....
I give You my heart....I give You my soul....I live for You alone....every breath that I take and
every moment I'm awake....have Your way in me.
As I reread my thoughts, I can see I go from the spiritual to the everyday and back again....and
yet I can think of no better way for You to show me that Mary and Martha, Dorcas, Ruth, and
perhaps, Naomi....had the same difficulties as I. When I think that the wealth of ideas, precepts
and opinions were as numerable as todays, then I am encouraged to believe that You minister
to all of us as we can understand. For all my thoughts, I ask Your guidance and wisdom as I
go through the day. In your name, I ask all requests........amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi AC, once again your thoughts so perfectly articulated mine at the moment. I prayed yesterday in the midst of much to do, and a sick granchild on my couch..."Lord, I need to be both Mary and Martha in the next few days...please help." Love you!
