How I love You, Lord. You are a miracle worker. You forgive me. You love me unconditionally. You surprise me over and over in Your written words. You nudge me when I am supposed to do something I don't really want to do. You are patient when I fail to be the vessel for You I should be. You always help me do whatever You are asking me to do......even when I feel inept. Lord Jesus, I am overwhelmed by the gift of eternal life that You have provided and even though I barely understand how it all can possibly work.....I accept it. The gift, I perceive, is as if it were handed to me in a white box....perhaps wrapped in a white satin type paper.....and, tied with the most gorgeous red satin bow. Nothing else. I open it to receive this precious gift of life....presented to all who would believe and receive. It is not a hard thing to do. But, the commitment that is attached to it is what bars so many from receiving salvation and the assurance of life everlasting. "How can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour's blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be.....that Thou, my Lord, should die for me?" I guess, Lord.....that I will forever wonder why You would do that for me (if I can even take that fact into my brain!) because most of my life I never felt that kind of worth. But, after a year of study of "Self Talk, Soul Talk"....."Lessons I Learned In The Dark"......(by Jennifer
Rothschild)..... I truly am trying, dear One, to change my thinking. I need Your constant nudging. I have this habit of running myself down, speaking unflattering about my worth to You. Lord, I seem to forget that I am Your child.....therein a child of the King. Believing I am a King's daughter is hard. Singing it and saying it doesn't seem to make it real enough. It's enough I think, Lord.....that I just look at You and say, "I accept this, Lord. I don't really understand. But, I love thinking that I am loved this much."
Whatever has happened.....what is past and so very difficult to "own"......I give to You. You have promised to accept me as I am. Loving me, forgiving me, accepting the ruins that I and others hand You from the chaos we have created in our lives.....all of it, Yours. To re-create or make anew. However You choose to do is Yours. I am overwhelmed and loved. I know it. I believe it. I am amazed.
What is Your plan? What is my next job? Show me.....give me strength.
For all I ask....I ask in the name of Jesus. For all I need.....I ask for wisdom. For all I am needed for....I would like to have Your strength. Thank You.
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