My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sometimes, Lord.......okay, maybe more than sometimes....... I do wonder what is going to happen.  I hear all of the doomsday announcers and the like, and wonder....."Who do we listen to?"......and "What do they really know?"   And, for my information....."Who is 'they'?"  It is frustrating at times to listen to those who propose that 'they'  "have it all together".  I suppose that's what books and movies, newscasts and actual reality is made up of.  Someone who knows......and someone who doesn't.  What does one do when they actually do think they know?  They have a responsibility to be right.....don't they?  And, if they aren't......then what?  The prophets of old......IF they truly were God's prophets.....were always right.  They received their information from God Almighty!  If 'they' were found to be wrong....they were in the obituary section of the paper the next day!  And, that was God's rule......right, Lord?  I found it so weird that several men who would have "taken it to the bank".....were proven to be profoundly wrong.  And, yet ......I saw them smiling and giving us their reasons of why they were wrong the next day.   I would like to say one deserves all that air time.  They talk to hear themselves talk and disgust those who agree and disagree with them because of all the excessive use of sound bytes and meaningless words.

I propose that our information system is overwhelmingly skewed.  I love to watch the news from all the angles.  I don't understand the bulk of it perhaps but, I like to be informed.  That is why I am thinking  that maybe I don't need a lot of useless information clogging up my brain.  I think I need to concentrate on the scriptures of Your divine word to us, as Your children.  I have heard over and over, since just a little girl, that Your word......"is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path".....and that, in itself should inspire me since I am always wondering what You want me to do next.
And......besides that......"my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." (I honestly don't know if that one is scripture but I think it's a good one liner.)  Knowing that .....if I acknowledge You and don't lean on my own understanding in any given situation.....that YOU will  direct my way.....and lead me into the paths of righteousness.  I like the sound of that, Lord.  I have, on more than one occasion, suggested we take a side road that sort of looked a little more exciting.....and You stepped out of my way.....and let me go.  (I have always found that walk back a little disconcerting (and uncomfortable) with my tail between my legs.)  Stupid.  That really is the correct word for it.  And, bullheaded.   But, no matter how old I get......I seem to always want to try "my way".  I really need to change that, Lord.  Could You nudge me a little harder the next time?  Less foolish than usual.......that's a good plan!

Again, I quote Your words to me from that favorite verse in Psalm 139: 5 and 6.  Sorry, Lord.....I know You know it but when I repeat Your words to us, it comforts me......" I look behind me and
You're there, then up ahead and You're there, too.....Your reassuring presence, coming and going.
This is too much.....too wonderful.  I can't take it all in! me....those words are special.

That is what I can count on.  Your word to me.  It has never failed me.  Even though I have questioned You and what Your promises say to me......You complete the story of what Your plan for me actually is.  I will drink in the Word.  I will maintain my feeble attempts of being "informed" with the scrutiny of Your word to me.  I ask Your divine blessing on my life and ask all in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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