It's a little scary, Lord. Today is the day the citizens of the United States vote for their choice for President. Some are voting with clear hearts and anxious spirits....knowing that it is possible they won't see their hopes realized. Others, with obvious agendas, try to work their magic to see their hopes come to fruition. Someone will win. Someone will lose. Savior of the us live in the knowledge of Your Word to us. Help us to seek what is Your good and perfect will for us.
Whether we are on the winning team or not, could You show us how to exhibit Your spirit of love and empathy. The fact that the divisive nature of any election can tear us to pieces......there will be no hiding from making a decision. It has to be done.
Lord, how does anyone know that I vote for You? Can they tell from the way I look? That's doubtful. My hair is short. I wear lipstick. I even wear nail polish. My word.....I even carry extra earrings in my purse in case I forget to put them on when I get ready to go out. That is HOW everyone used to know if someone was a Christian. (No woman that was a Christian would ever look like that.) Well, that takes care of the women. I'm not sure how anyone could tell a man was a Christian. (Just sayin'!) Of course, as usual, Lord.....I digress. I'm just being a smart Alec! Years later now, my concern is not so much in HOW I look. It is, how I act. "They'll know we are Christians by our love." a tune written years ago when praise songs became popular. Determining what is good behavior and what is not, often takes us to our knees......or should. Lord, I need Your constant surveillance of my life. My comings and goings. My words. My reactions. The fact that my "age" warrants that my drink be refilled as soon as I empty it.....and the words, "Can I get anything for you?" be uttered throughout my stay at a lunch date...........well, Lord.......what can I say? ( I am human, you know!) Seriously, Lord......(and, I am).... I need for You to continue to whip me into shape. How can I win anyone for You and the kingdom of Jesus Christ if I am unkind? If, to all around me, I am being a bully. I vowed to my Sunday School class on Sunday, I would ask a waitress at a restaurant we frequent, to come to church. I was determined to do it. The time came later that same day. I freaked out, Lord. You saw me. I would have almost rather taken a beating than do what I had promised to do.
I like to think that when I vote to do the thing I have promised.......or made the effort to mend a heart I have broken......that satan takes a step back because I have gained a little more back bone.
I like to think that if You were running for anything.....I would vote for You. And, that seems to be a ridiculous statement. But, so true to form, individuals form a conclusion of You because their life has not "turned out" as they had hoped. Their dreams have been squashed. Loved ones have been taken away. Circumstances have given them no place or time to rest. And, so, Lord.....their view of You is skewed. They have their own ideas of what You should be doing in their own hearts and lives and regrettably, Lord......You just aren't holding up Your end of the bargain. You know, Father....I am being facetious. But, You know what I'm saying is true. I have had a few times in my life when I was singing that same song.....even the same verse. Jesus.....dear Savior of me make a difference in someones life. I don't know what You will do. I don't know how You expect me to handle this.....but , I will be watching for my time to act. And, I am praying that Your continued blessing and favor would be upon me. I'm voting for You, Lord. I want everyone to see that. I do not want to hide that fact. I do not want to ever be embarrassed to say so.
Help me, Lord. At times, I am so weak. And ineffective. Grant me any favor I deserve. And, in all I pray, I say in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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