My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, August 30, 2013

It's been a while since I wrote, Lord.  Have You missed me?   Actually, I  wasn't trying to give you a break.  Technology wasn't cooperating for me.  Even so, it makes me feel badly...and so.....when I don't connect with You as often as I like.....I am just not right.  I just can't navigate properly. I snap.  I bite.  I am not so nice.  I can blame it on medication......or not enough sleep.....or numerous other excuses.....but, I know what it is.  It's like living in a fog all the time.  Nothing is clear.  I feel so stressed living in such a manner.  I am not willing to continue to live that way.  What is the upside to this?  I learn.  Slowly.....very slowly, I will continue to learn, Lord.  I wish I could say that I absolutely will not behave in such a manner anymore.  I guess I don't have the energy right now.  I do, though, recognize that I am the only one that can change things I need to change.  It takes such ......inner strength (I guess that would be the phrase) to make such a statement to You.  And, as time as shown.....I continue to have trouble in this area.  Call it "too busy"......"too tired"......."too whatever".  Lord..... just help.  Show me how to keep moving when I don't really want to.  Show me how to be the light for You that I want to be.  Give me the shove I need when I begin to feel so useless.  When I can't see the trees for the forest.  When my only response is "I'll do it later"......"I need a nap".......make me uncomfortable in my own self.  Lord....I know You hear me.  I know, from past prayers......that You love me as I am......but, You love me enough to want me to move past my "self" and get to a better place in my spiritual condition.  A more victorious place.  Depression gives me such a pain.  I need You Lord,  to "lift me to a higher plane....where doubts and fears  dismay;  though some may dwell where these abound, My prayer, my aim is higher ground."  I'm not dense Lord.  I know what satan tries to do.  He doesn't have to work at it too hard.....You and I know that is too true.  The third verse of the song, "Higher Ground" my concern.  "I want to live above the world.....'tho satan's doubts at me hurled;  For faith has caught the joyful sound; The song of saints on higher ground."  I always feel that I am in the cross-hairs of  his bow.
This whole prayer today,  is one I could have pulled out my archives of prayers since the 70's and the 80's......Huh......90's and up.  It makes me tend to worry that I have accomplished nothing.
One thing I do know, dear higher ground. 
Lord, thank You for the promises.  Thank You for the assurance of Your power to change us, if we ask.  Give me what I need today.....and  then show me Your plan for me today.  I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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