My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lord.....I really think it is funny.....and not, "funny ha-ha, either"........ how YOU step into my life and make a statement to me without saying a word.  I say this to You.....because, I really thought You agreed with me about this particular issue.  'Course, I have a tendency to think You know I am right.  I usually do think You do......since I am such a paragon of virtue and a "willing" disciple.  To say this out loud makes me feel a little foolish, in all reality.  And, I am sorry I sound so egotistical.  That is not where I want to be, Lord!  Please forgive my attitude and help me to do better.   So, anyway.....  when You squelch my plan of action, and I realize that I am not "ALL  THAT".......  I am  a little shaken.  It's not  often that I feel I have to make a "statement"......and, I usually don't just rush in and start my presentation.  I try to always remember that I am supposed to be Your servant.....and speak words that You would be pleased to deliver Yourself.  Lord....I thank You for protecting me from myself.  It is sort of amazing to me how You work.  I shouldn't be so surprised.  I ask Your will to be done through me.....I want to be the Instrument for You that I should be.....and then, when You cut me off.....and,  make it impossible for me to speak.....well......I twitch a little bit!  So......okay.  I did get Your message.....loud and clear.  Now what?  Is that the end of it?  It is a bit ridiculous.  Really ridiculous.  "What is?", You ask.  How I could possibly think that You always want me to do Your talking for You.  I  told my Sunday School class the other Sunday that it is "always best" when You, dear One, do the talking.  Hmmm.....I guess  I should listen to myself once in a while.  I am all into that right now!  I will try to never forget that again.  And, if I do.....uh......feel free to step in!

"Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want Thee forever to live in my soul.  Break down every idol.....cast out every foe.  Now wash me and I will be whiter than snow."
I will forever be grateful, Jesus......that You are the Guiding Light for me.....always.  I want to be "Whiter than Snow"....always.  I do not want my will to overwhelm Your will......ever. 

Jesus, saturate me with Your power whether I like it or not.  I will follow what You need for me to do.  Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Your will, only.  Amen.....for now.

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