My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

You know, Lord......I have been thinking about the subject matter that is involved with the word "revival".  I began my quest last Wednesday.  I wanted to put the prayer meeting crowd asleep!  No.....actually.....I wanted to know what they thought about "revival".  What they think "it" is and if they have ever encountered "it".  Lord.....I remember different times when my husband has been preaching.....and he'll mention the word "revival" in his sermon.  He'll say something like....."We need a revival.".......or "Don't you want to see a revival take place?"  People nod accordingly and seemingly agree......and I am thinking....."No they don't."  Really now.....  who wants to sit in church 2, 3 or more hours waiting till all who want to and certainly need to,  get all their stuff worked out with God (so revival can take place).  I have been in services where you're afraid to move, for fear you will discourage the Holy Spirit from visiting.  You're sort of looking around.....wondering, "Who's next?" And, how long do I have to sit here?" For a little is exciting!  Everyone is eager to see what is going to happen next.  And, then......It's all about the realities of life.  "The kids are hungry.  I'm hungry.  The food in the oven will be dried up.  The line at the steakhouse will be an hour long.  It's hot in here.  I had to go to the bathroom before I got here".........and on and on. 
 "Oh,  Lord, help me.  See what a brat I am?  I'm so sorry for bringing up all this stuff."   (I do realize that to have true Revival...............NONE  OF  THIS  TRIVIA  MATTERS!! )

See....Lord.....? This is what I think.   I think "revival" is for all of us who love You.  We need a kick in the pants every so often, because for me....I become satisfied too easily.  I tend to get a little lazy in my personal Bible study.  I can read for the day, keeping up with my "Bible in a Year" plan....but, real study takes time......perusing the scriptures, checking out the places where You want my heart and mind to concentrate on.  That, for me, is "revival".  Hearing a sermon that "speaks to me" I am the only one in the room.....that is too.  Lord, I love those times.  It makes me realize that You CARE about the needs of my life.....and that,  if I care too.......then You can accomplish some great things in my heart and my life.  Not everyone moves at the same rate.....and Lord, You and I both know, there are a few of Your children that feel they need to change nothing in their hearts.....that all they do and say is faultless......and worthy of Your "Stamp of Approval".  Sometimes I wish You'd put me in charge of somebody or something!  I'd like to do some damage control for You.  But, of course, Lord.....that is not how You roll at all.  You, dear One, have such mercy and grace to all of us.  You, dear One, are the faultless One.  You, dear One, give us the unwarranted and blissful forgiveness and blessing that no one deserves.  I often think I am so smart.......and, gently and lovingly, You show me that I am too full of myself and even though You love me.....I need to change those places of danger for me. far, I think, I have listened and abided by Your rules. I'm trying to have a listening ear. 

"Oh, Lord.....I need Thee.....Oh, I need Thee.....Ev'ry hour I need Thee....Oh, bless me now my Savior.....I come to Thee".

For the revival power I need.....give me the strength to "sit and wait" on You.  Your timing.  Your way.  Your day.

I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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