What do I come up today with, Lord? Where do I direct my thought process? These are the days I have the most trouble sitting down and writing. It's nice to say tho'....."I Just Came To
Talk To You Lord". I am grateful I have this respite in You. To come and talk when nothing
this minute is pressing....is nice. It's almost scary. But, then of course....this is life. Phone calls
and email alerts are often just the beginning of another problem to bring to You. And, when I do
that...(bring it to You) I know that You will take Your time to give me direction....and wisdom.
(Your wisdom). I am amazed that You take time to show Your concern for me and mine. Today
there are so many suffering. Whether it is results of earthquakes, floods and fire.....many of your
children are waiting for You to come and save them and lift them out of the horror they are
I am asking Lord for Your grace to be extended once again to me this day. It is vital to my own
spiritual state that You would show me how to be the servant for You that You need me to be.
As I responded to a post on my "facebook" page today.....my thoughts went to a situation in my
life where my heart was so broken. I know You remember. We were at our third pastorate.
Life was a little easier.....beautiful church....new parsonage....and it was so hard for me to enjoy
the blessings You had provided to us. I remember weekly calls to my Mom and Dad. The conversations always ended in tears for all of us. They were sad, discouraged, depressed and
unhappy. How could I be happy in our place of service, when things were so hard for them?
Lord, I remember begging You to change this whole scenario. Sitting here writing this causes
me to pause and reflect. What if I hadn't asked You to do something? I'm thinking that it was
not an ending I would ever have wanted. But, as I was reminded today again...."Your strength
is made perfect in our weakness....". Help me to never forget it!
Somehow we manage to make it through the areas of life that we believe are impossible without your intervention. I am grateful Lord when I look back and see how You have worked in and throughout my life and the lives I ask You to intervene in. And, Lord.....I know that sometimes You don't take care of things as quickly as I would like, and I am quick to remind You of that....(way too often) but I do believe in the power You provide to sit tight and wait patiently!
Lord, thank You for the blessings You give. The fact that I can enjoy this day....without fear....
breathing, hearing, seeing.....all of these are not blessings I take for granted.
Any favor for me today....? I would be grateful. I will honor You and love You. And, I pray
this day in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I wonder how many times you prayed for me and didn't get an answer? Thank you for praying it wasn't wasted.