In the words of that praise song we started doing a few months ago....."You! You are God. You are all I'm living for. I want my life to praise You." Yes. You are God. You are worthy of praise.
You ARE all I'm living for. Mostly, I guess, because You allow me to live. If I didn't praise You or be grateful for my life.....well, I think we'd have little to discuss, Lord. I'd be in a constant
position of an unborn fetus. But, so far, You have allowed me to live. Unfettered by any physical
abnormality, I can walk a straight line. I can speak. I can hear. I can see. I can drive a car. I can ride a bike. I can do all of that. Oh, and most important....I can pick up a pen and write a letter to You. You are my saving grace. I know when all around me
seems to be falling apart.....I can look up and know that ultimately, You are in charge. You reign.
In my heart, I often tend to bemoan the sadnesses I have brought on myself. Choices I have made. I find that when I have spoken "my mind" and got "stuff off my chest"......I have lived to
regret my actions. I can almost count on one hand the times when I have done this in my 66
years. And, I can remember quite vividly how I "let it all out" and how I felt afterwards. Most
of the time, Lord.....I regretted opening my mouth at all. I wish now I had let You handle it. I
remember the one time especially (and I know it's all because I didn't think You were working
on this quick enough...... ). I was looking up the verses from the "Our Daily Bread" devotional for today and saw some of the differences in the Old and New Testament. I've wondered how to discern what is the right way to handle the issues that arise in dealing with people.....friends,
relatives and acquaintances. "Don't seek revenge or bear a grudge against your
neighbor as yourself..." to "Show no pity.....a life for a life, etc....." to "Do not repay evil for careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone....." to " If it is at
peace with all men.....". Each one (and there's so many more) gives you an idea of how to
live with people.
Sometimes I wish it was just You and me, Lord. I think I'd be a lot better off. And, of course that is the hermit part of me talking! I know Your plan is to mold me and make me into the image of Yourself. I like the part where You threw out the moneychangers
in the temple.....I'd have loved to see that. But, I also know that You paid for that dearly. The
eventual outcome was for public fodder.....but, our ultimate survival.
I ask Lord, that today would be another beginning for me as I learn to follow Your lead. In
making decisions that will enhance my spiritual barometer.....and leave the queries about my
sanctimonious behavior or my "live and let live" thought processes to Your deciphering. I know
You will let me know when I have crossed the line either way. I want You to continue to show
me Your desire for my life testimony.
To live with You for eternity is folly as far as the world is concerned. It is my salvation. It is
my hope. It is my goal. Understanding what it will be like is next to impossible. So, I won't
go there. I know one thing. I want to be there.
And so........there it is, Lord. For today and until I need to ask for more....
I ask in Your will.....and in the name of Jesus. Amen.
This goes right along with the verse you have on your blog site that each of us as Christians should say as soon as we wake up each day, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, My strength and my Redeemer." Sure, we all think we need to say a lot but the question is should we....and the answer is no most of the time because it doesn't make us feel any better in the end, nor does it solve anything.
ReplyDeleteOh boy I'm I having a hard time loving some people right now. When they take your mothers belongings and put them in consignment shops and sell them on craigslist it is hard to love these people, yet I know that they are lost souls and need the LORD. Yes it makes me angry but I need to carry on and be an example to people around me.