Isn't it something, Lord? I just cannot get over it. You work and plan, organize and prepare. I
even bought a tent cover. I thought I had all the bases covered. It hasn't rained in days.....and
today they predicted scattered showers. I was sure I could manage quite nicely....relax and drink my coffee while I watched people look at my treasures. So, here I am Lord, writing to You. I AM NOT COMPLAINING. HONESTLY, I'M NOT. But, I am disappointed. I planned on
having a pretty productive sale. I think I was partially set up....and the "scattered showers"
began to rain on my parade. I garnered help to set up this tent I bought. (It turned out to be exactly what I
paid for, by the way!) But, even with the covering....stuff that I had spent several days working
on....was getting damp and some, even soaked. Okay, Lord. I know this is not the end of the
world. And, I am not upset. It's so useless sometimes. The work you do....the time you spend
doing it.....the hope and promise of a job well done....all of it, amounts to a lot of nothing....or
does it? I.....rather John and I have for years prayed, planned, worked and hoped that some-
thing we would do would interest people in the gospel enough to be drawn to You and the
principles You taught. Sometimes it catches hold. Sometimes, someone is drawn to You by
watching their child show their learning ability from memorizing scriptures in the VBS Program your church has run.....or an adult from the neighborhood has fallen on hard times
and needs food from the food pantry. The list is endless. Churches all over the country have
programs that are born to address issues that a particular community has. Sometimes they
work and you can see the results.....and sometimes, it's just a losing battle. Remember when
John decided we would have a "Soup and Sandwich" lunch (free) for anyone who would come.
We tried. We made soup 'til it was coming out of our ears. We planned. We advertised. We
got helpers to work. And, no one came. No one. I couldn't even believe it. I think someone
told us that if we had provided transportation...........yeah, sure. That was it. Lord, I believe
that You give us a place to fill. And, to the best of our ability we need to fill it. For some reason
our plans to have a great church yard sale today went awry. It was disappointing because it's
an annual event here.....and everyone was a little disgruntled, mostly because of the work that
goes into something beforehand. Lord, I am sure when You look at the six days You worked
to make us a beautiful place to live.....and see what has happened since.....You might wonder
if anyone appreciates anything. Your plan for Calvary, and the trauma that ensued.....was to do
one thing. Draw all men to You. We still can hope for who is left. The 21st of May is being
touted as "Judgment Day" from what I hear. I know what You say in the scripture...."no man
knows the hour or the day....." , but there is a man that has
put all his eggs in one basket and said this is it.....apparently not caring that everyone thinks
he's ......well, enough said. I do not think he could possibly be right. But, Lord.....just in case
he heart is right. I want my life to be a faithful one. I want my decisions to be ones
that glorify You. I want my hope in You to be hope that others may see as light.....hopefully,
light at the end of a tunnel. (And, I prefer it not be another train coming.) We are in this
battle of wills to win. satan tries. (He does not deserve a capital letter.) He consistently works
on ways to make me stumble.....or to make me look or feel stupid. I do not plan on letting him
work his way into my life. I will not. Oh, Lord.....please help me stay true to Your plan for me.
I can ask as I always do to answer all in the name of Jesus. And, amen....for now.
I feel so bad about the rain, and all your hard work and dashed hopes, but you with such wisdom turned it into a sunshine of a post.