Lord...please help me today. I shouldn't be writing. I wish I could keep it in, but I can't. Lord,
what do I do? What should I be responsible for? I am almost at the point of being overwhelmed. And why? Every time I look at the TV.... or newspaper.... or pick up the phone....there is a problem. Someone is dying. Someone has lost their business. Someone has lost their home. Someone has lost a loved one. Someone is being treated undeservedly. What do we do, Lord? I sound like Solomon in Ecclesiastes. Listening to or reading his words in some
of the portions he wrote is pretty depressing. And, so I am thinking thatif there is nothing new
under the sun and that life can put you six feet under IF you let it,where do we go from here?
Where do we go? Actually way too often, we begin to believe there isn't a speck of hope.
Whether or not there is a God to go to.....what is there to hang on to? Father, many times I have,
as countless others have.....gone to my knees in prayer,hoping and clinging to it desperately....
that You will come and save us. You Lord, are good. Someone ( and I am sure there was more
than one) said yesterday....."If God is so good....and such a loving God.....why are so many dead
after all these tornado's and storms.....?" Okay Lord, if You have heard anything over and over
in Your deciphering all of our groanings....its that very thing. Us.....the people You have allowed
to be created and left to live in this world, questioning Your power and glorious blessings to us.
And, sometimes I think we just feel a little guilty because we are living....we have a decent job....
our family is well....and we are blessed beyond all we could ask or think. I've talked to You
about this more than once, Lord. Recently I told You that being like Job wasn't on my "Bucket
List". Lord, I'm beginning to wonder if .......no, I'm not going there.
I know that You and I are often on the same wave length. Atleast sometimes I think I am. I read some stuff today that irked me....mostly because it made me feel stupid. When I read "spiritual " writings
that I have to look up in a dictionary or just leave me saying...."WWWhat is that?" it often irks
me. Where is the part of understanding salvation because it is easy enough for a child to under-
stand? Why is it necessary to present a consept of the gospel that is above the common man's understanding? This is what I understand. You were born because God planned it. You were
crucified because it was also the plan of God. Then ,raised to life again and live with
Your Father at His right hand. You help us. You have given us Your Word to show us how to
live for You. You wiped out races of people when You saw that they would not eventually live
for You or follow You. You have the power to do what You want .....when You want. You see
the end from the beginning. You see the plan of my life. My hope and my desire is to live as
You would be pleased. Yes, I complain. And, yes....I disappoint You more often than I want to.
But, Lord.....I decided long ago that I will believe You have my best interest at heart. That the
events of my life, some incurred by wrong choices, and the blessings of my life, are gifts from
You.... gifts that come as a result of prayers answered Your way, not mine. Often I believed
my plan was Your plan. I tend to be a little too righteous. Ultimately, my plan is placed into
Your hands. I always want what You want. Please, Lord.....make it so, always. Thank You
for listening; I can't even begin to work when I feel so pressed. I need to take it all to You.....
the wisdom for actions that need to be taken.....words that have to be said....deeds that need to
be done.......O, Lord.....I ask Your help in discerning what is best for me today. I love You, Lord.
In Your name and will I bow at Your feet. Amen.
Good post AC. So often your wise words give me a boost as they parallel happenings and thoughts in my own life.