My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, May 18, 2015

Good morning, dear One.  Oh, my.  I have done it again.  I wait so long to write out my thoughts to You.....literally and figuratively.....I just wait too long.  I wish I could think of something legitimate to blame it on, but, I can't.  It's the usual...lazy bones attitude.....too much on my plate.....waiting until I have "a mind to" or just, the usual "I'm not sure I want people to see this part of me" excuse.  Actually, Lord.....after all these prayers I've posted, there is not too much that could surprise them.  How about You, Lord......?  Have I surprised You lately?  I wonder.  Probably not.  I am unusually calm today and rather serene in my thoughts and plans to accomplish an amount of packing that surprises even me.  I'm not sure Lord.....but, I truly wonder if this "stuff" of mine multiplies over night.  I wake up and walk through a maze of boxes trying to get through to the next room.  I am thinking that I must go through some of these boxes again.....and purge a little more.  Lord.....You have helped me see so much of  "what I've saved forever and really don't need".....and that once I have decided it is "no longer of use to me"......I'll never think of it again.  I need that enforced in my mind, once again.  I'm beginning to fall back into the old way of packing.  "Once I get there, I can get rid of what I don't have room for".  Dear Lord.......You and I both know that the amount of boxes I'm amassing is ridiculous.  Where am I moving our possessions to?  A two-bedroom apartment.  No dining area.  No shed.  No garage.  No attic.  Just writing it out in black and white is scary......and actually, quite real.  I realize Lord, that my head is full of all the events about to come to fruition for us.  The time of being a Pastor and wife in the Wesleyan Church is coming to an end.  My description will now be ......former Pastor's wife.  And, yes....honestly, Lord......I have looked forward to this part of our life.  But, I will miss the calling that I felt called to as well as my husband.  I am grateful and thankful for the fact that You allowed me to do this job.  I thank You, Lord.....for giving me a voice.  For the talents that You provided and I gleaned so much from.  You gave me so much.  I ask that whatever comes for us in the next few months with this transition......that I, along with my love, will please You in what I say and in what I do.  See, Lord.....there's nothing earth-shaking in this prayer.  Actually, to anyone's probably a boring one.....or "corny" as someone just described the book I just published.  You know what, You, I say.....I love You, Lord.  I thank You for listening to the cries of my heart......and the whining of my very being.....when I am at the end of myself.  You are the God of my being.  Savior of mine......I need You.
I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus.  Amen. 

Once again, I invite you to think about purchasing the book I recently published of my letters.  The title:  "My Letters to God"
by S.Corrine Davis can be purchased at the Hopefreelancing website....if you click onto the store site.  It will take you through the buying process.  Or, you can click onto the AMAZON website.....if you type in the same title and/or my will take you right through the buying process.  The second edition of the book is at  press right now.....and will be ready this week.  Thank you so much.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Lord....Now, You are well aware of my issues.  I certainly don't need to remind you.....but, You need to know that I am going to lose my mind if You do not rescue me.  I have years and years of things that I have hoarded (yes, I actually said it!).  I remember, so vividly, wanting something (nothing in particular), and being blessed by seeing "it" at a yard sale for practically nothing or having it given to me, free and clear.  Now, my "blessings" have turned into burdens and weights that are forcing me to decide something so difficult.  Getting rid of these them to someone else...or throwing it out!!  These are heart rending decisions.  I love stuff.  I have always loved stuff.  Ribbons, laces, materials, old frames, new frames that look like old frames, boxes to put "stuff" in.......Oh, my....dear Lord!  No one needs this much stuff.  Help me to see that.  Help me to purge.  Help me to pack not one thing that I could buy at another thrift store for practically nothing.  I am allowing these material things to hamper me......and drag me down.  I am not going to let it happen.  What does that scripture say?  About the weights that stop us in our tracks?  Let me look it up, Lord.  Yeah.....I have it right here.  I would like for You to help me associate this verse with the dilemma I seem to have about this right now.  "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.........." Hebrews 12:1  Oh, dear me.  Even the things precious mothers, and grandmas, and special friends through out the years.......all of them have presented me with things they didn't really want to part with.  I almost feel like they're watching me appoint their things to the "Goodwill" and are disappointed in me.  Lord.....could you tell me.....Is there any hope for me?  Only You....right now.....can help me think!  I am about to drive my sweet daughter out of here.....because I want to hold onto things that I will not ever use.......or think about again.  The things I will use and cannot replace......I guess that would be where I need the wisdom.  Lord.  Seriously.  I am ashamed of these piddly requests.  There is such bedlam so many places.  Earthquakes....floods.....storms......riots......killings.....(right down the road, drug related!)  And, oh my!  I am upset about getting rid of a box of old frames and pieces of laces and ribbons.  Knick-knacks and paddy whacks!  I am groaning about things that mean very little in the scheme of life and death.  The worries about "where to move" and "when to move"...are sort of being decided without my interference.  Knee surgeries and rehabilitation sort of take precedence.  Walking is important, Lord.....and the closer I get to not being able scary.  When John said the other day....."Hey, hon......want me to go get that cane out of my office and bring it over?" and my response being......"Shoot, I don't need a cane......I need a walker!!"........Well, Lord......that whole exchange gave me a real head's up!  I am nervous about the whole thing.....but, because of the timing......and the turn of events......I honestly feel that You are running the show.  Thank You, Father.  I will wait on I have been.....and believe that "all things do work together for my good".  I have to admit though, seeing the reality is a hard thing.  
For all I do not understand......yet, still pray for Your will to be done........well, Lord......I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

For those of you who may be interested in purchasing one of my books......Click onto the website and click onto "store".  It will take you through the buying process. can get on AMAZON.COM and type in "My Letters to God" or my name, S.Corrine Davis.  The book will come onto the screen and you can order soft cover or ebook or kindle.  Thank you ahead of time for purchasing my book.  This has been done for God's glory.....not mine.