My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, July 25, 2011

"Once again...At the cross, I bow my knee..."

What I really need to do is count the number of requests I have for You today, Lord. There are too many for me to deal with. I try. But, I can't do this. Yesterday, I had chosen a song for our congregation to sing. It's a new one. And, because of time and the tiresome heat issue....I decided to omit it. For today though, it's foremost in my thoughts. Listen, Lord! Here is my
prayer....."O Lord, You've searched me...You know my way....even when I fail You....I know You
love me.....Your holy presence....surrounding every season....I know You love me. I know
You love me. At the cross I bow my knee....where Your blood was shed for me....there's no
greater love than this....You have overcome the grave....Your glory fills the highest place...what
can separate me now. You go before me....You shield my way. Your hand upholds me. I know
You love me.....". And, so it goes. It tells me, Lord, that You know my way. You know what is
up ahead for me to deal with. You know how I will manage each thing. I need You to shut down the issues that overwhelm me and smother me with worry. So often, my need to alleviate the
pressures on others tend to fall into the tentacles of the evil one and I find myself wrapped in the
net of suspicion and anxiety. Please Lord....take care of me and my need to get two steps ahead
of the questions that may arise. I always have had this need to show others I have a handle on
things....that I am "ready for action"....that I can .....that I can.....that I nauseum. Lord,
You have searched me. You know my way....(mostly because You saw me being formed in my
Mother's womb.....) even when I fail You (and others,
because I am human)....I know You love me. And, Your cross I bow my knee, where
Your blood was shed for me....there is NO GREATER LOVE than this. That You care about the
issues that are ahead for me is enough for me. I will cling to this cross, Lord, believing that Your
love and understanding will calm the waters of my anxious mind. I tend to stir the storms that
arise with all of my "borrowing trouble". I suppose it is innate. I want to blame it on something.
Help me Father to be the warrior for You I should be. I always feel I need to be carrying a
weapon....just to ward off the impressions satan implants. Well, okay. I've got it. The Word of
God is as powerful as a double-edged sword.....isn't it, Lord? Then, let's begin using it. Lord,
You used it against the devil Yourself, didn't You? Yes, You did. And, I know that I am able to
call on the Word of God to access the same power. And, so....Lord, I invite You to overwhelm
me with Your me the confidence to walk into any area of sadness or contention and plead the blood of Jesus. O, Lord....You know me....and You still love me. What a wonderful
gift I have been given. Sweet peace....the gift of God's love. Thank You, dear One. I speak
the name of Jesus in all I ask, think and hope. Amen."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Fruits of the Spirit....I Can Do it!

Lord, I feel so bothered. When I feel so overwrought, I try to separate each thing and analyze it
until I become more bothered. Then, I know it's time to sit it all at your feet. Could you help me? Would You? I am always annoyed with myself Lord, when the stuff of life wears me down.
Isn't it just life? We just went to honor two of our friends. We pray for and hold the wives of those who have died and mourn with them....and await a phone call about a third. It comes. Lord, I don't like that. Why do events seemingly happen in three's? It appears to be an old wives tale....or however that is phrased. I actually was trying to look it up in scripture to see if
there was a Biblical reference to it. I don't think it should be like that. And, the
beginning of my angst, Lord. As I entertain those thoughts, I find myself annoyed too with what appears to be SO important to some and little bother to others. It seems that the mantel you hold for all of us is so all encompassing that I do not understand why You put up with us at all.
Each of us has the capability of understanding a certain amount....okay, Lord.....I am talking about me. I have the capability of understanding a certain amount....don't I? But, then....what happens when there is more that you need me to know? I'm not sure I can handle anymore. I
want you to know that I will do all in my power to learn and grow as much as You want me to.
You see, I'm not interested in being so heavenly minded that I am no earthly good. I want to be
understood as I understand. I want to be real. I want the fact that You were born to a virgin
Mother....grew to be a profound and authentic minister of the gospel. One who was ridiculed, persecuted
and crucified.....rose again to prove You were indeed, the Son of God to be the foundation of my
story. I want the stories of the inspired scriptures to be the nurturing of each of the building
blocks of my life. And, then Lord......I want the fruits of the spirit to be evident in my life....over-
whelming me and anyone who looks at me can see. The subject will not be up for debate. There
will be no question.....No matter how differently people view a subject for discussion.....None.
Is that possible, Lord? The scripture says...."but the fruits of the, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.....against such there is no
law....." from Gal. 5:22. Lord, as I look at each of those attributes I think to myself...."Can I do
this?" I know that we are not usually pushed to the point of no-return most days. It is the one
time we find our spirit wanting to drift alittle outside the arc of safety that is so dangerous. Just
one time I'd like to let loose......and then, sanity knocks on the door of my mind....and You save
me just in the knick of time. Lord, stand guard at that door . Do not deter. If You have to go for a minute, send someone to guard me carefully. My prayer is to make You proud. My prayer is to not let You down, especially when You are depending on me. Give me Your power, Father.
I cannot do it alone. And, for this.....and all that I lay at Your feet....I ask it all in the name of
Jesus. Amen. P.S. Lord, I just thought of the best scenario for my "Why do things happen in
three's?" The best result for me is: Father. Son. Holy Spirit. End of story! Amen. I feel better.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Another Year....Another Prayer"

Thank you Lord....for allowing me to have another birthday. I'm not especially crazy about being 67 years old but, the prospect of going back to 39 or 40 is not an ideal I'd like either. I guess there are a few things in my life I wish I could do over, but , not too many. In fact, I don't even care to name one. Nothing comes to mind....yet. I remember when my sweet Mother-in-
law looked at us all at the dinner table one Sunday, and said, if she had it to do over, she would
raise her children the same way. I remember that it inspired a speech from my husband (directed at his Mother ) that she wouldn't soon forget. He wasn't happy because she was so
rigid in her determination to raise him to be a Godly man, that she was adamant he would never
play any sports because she did not want him to wear shorts. I don't know if that was the only
reason but it was all she could manage when questioned about it. He was a very frustrated young man because he had so much natural ability to play about any sport he chose. It was a
hard road to walk on for him. One filled with frustration and anger.....that finger wagging in his face, basically just saying...."because I said so." Lord, how you deal with us is so unlike that. Well, for some I guess they might feel it is like a finger pointing and wagging...."because I
said so".....but, Lord....I see that as Your way of protecting me (us). I know my Mother-in-law saw
it as protecting. She was sure that loving sports as much as her son did, it would eventually
dissuade him from following the Lord. Lord, no one except You knows that fact....
and I would never want to know. ( And, thankfully....You provided that area of forgiveness that we are unable to do on our own and provided my love the peace he had to have in that situation.) I do know , however, that the way we are raised, the parents
we have been born to, our environmental background and the events that take place throughout
all of our growing-up years....have expressed effectiveness on how we react to people and treat
people as adults. There is so much to think about when you go back to your childhood. Your
first memories.....if they are positive or negative and why it matters. It is something I don't find
particularly inspiring. I don't remember it, Lord.... but, one day I was sitting on the floor chewing on something and, my Mother leaned down to me and placed her finger in my mouth to flick out
whatever it was. It happened to be a big old green fly. Yuck! That is not something I remember.....but, I do remember being in my a little room that had blue wallpaper with
white kitties printed on it. I remember tearing little pieces of it off in between the slats of my
crib. Nothing particularly significant about that memory I guess but a visiting cousin smashing my favorite little cereal bowl on the only big stone in our driveway stands out. I wonder why
he chose to do that. And, I do not remember another thing about it. Did I run to my Mother
and express my sadness and/or anger? I don't remember. Lord, throughout my life, I know there will be places that I will go in my mind and it will make me recall sadness, regret, happy
memories or perhaps, still angry thoughts. Could you.....when I am me areas
that will make me test my heart....stir up the conversations that will lead me to understanding
who I am and why I act like I do. My goal dear Lord, is to be the exact specimen You expected
and planned for me to be. If I try to hide what I shouldn't ....even through repressed memories,
I ask that however trying it could be....point it out. Dig it out. Show me so I can understand
better. And, Lord.....if I am looking for trouble where there is the name and power
of Jesus and pleading the blood of Jesus for my safety net.....I forego this area of excavation.
All I need.....and all I Your way and will to be evident in my life. I am filled with
the imperfections that annoy me and often wish I were not so fallible....but Lord, I have given
You over and over the rooms of my heart. You are allowed into every one of them. If there is
any scrubbing to be done....let me know. I'll have to go find my gloves to protect my ailing hands, but I will be glad to get into any cracks and crevices that are keeping me from being
the instrument for You I should be. "Take me, mold me, fill me, use me.....I give my life
the Potter's hand." The song says it perfectly. This year of my life is your's to do with what
You please. I am Your servant. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth....I pray. Amen.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"At the Cross, I Bow My Knee...."

Oh, Lord.....what do I need today? There really needs to be a little more give and take in this relationship.....doesn't there? And, unless You misunderstand.....I am talking about "my end". It seems Lord, that all I do is ask and receive....ask and receive....and then a little more asking and receiving. Yes, it is true....not everything I ask for is
at hand. And, even though I do say "Thank You, Lord!" isn't enough either, it seems. But, I do not know another way to please You more. I do pay attention to Your words and I need some added
information to attend to the expectations You have for me. I tend to pay close attention to what
others have written in response to what You have written for us. I wonder, Lord....if I should
concern myself less about what others discern from Your Word....and be a little more cognizant of what You have written that speaks to me directly. I know that the scriptures were written for and about the people who lived in the Biblical Era....but , Lord.....when I replace their
names with mine or much makes so much sense that I realize that You really are intent on engaging me in Your precepts. I remember one time, while I was reading and studying for "Lord, Change Me" (by Evelyn Christenson), I saw something about changing...."a little here
and a little there", quoting from Your scriptural inspiration for us. I believe it was Isaiah. Yes,
here it is, Lord....Isaiah 28:13 ".....precept upon precept, line upon line...a little here , a little
there....". I love that , Lord.....because I knew that You were talking to me. I was trying to
change the different areas that You were showing me.....and I remember they (the areas You
wanted me to change) were coming fast and furious.....(while I was "reading 'til God speaks")....and I was getting "like" irked. When I read that portion, I realized that number 1, yes.....You wanted me to change some things. And I knew I wanted to obey You....BUT, there
are times when I NEED A PUSH. And then, number 2, Your way of doing that for me was to show me that little by
little, a push here and a shove there, I was being molded into the image that You always planned for me to be. I will not detour from that plan, Lord. I want You to forever push, nudge
and pick-ax me where I should be. I get lazy. I get so tired. I moan about people and why they
always seem to expect more than I feel I can give.....and then, maybe it's not that "people really
do expect more than I can give" might be ME that is assuming that. (Which ultimately is
more likely.) All I can do Lord is lay in Your hands all that concerns me today. My expectations.
My responsibilities. My decisions. My angst. You are in on all of it. I know that when I place
all of these worries and needs into Your hands.....You can deter the unimportant, inspire the decisions,
and , take care of the neediest of the needs. When I place all of this at the Cross, bowing my
knee in the process, I realize that there is no greater love than this....handing this to You and
giving You my blessing! In a fully dedicated and committed relationship to God....Your desire
and mine, should co-incide. This is where I am the most peaceful. And, this is where I want to
live and spend the rest of my days. So....go God! Do what is best for me and help me to never
want to take a side road to get there.
In all, dear One, I ask in Your name and will. Amen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sitting at the Feet of & tomorrow!

Sometimes I wonder why I do this, Lord. I don't mean the "praying" part.....I mean the "writing
the prayer out-loud part". Is it because I want someone to think I'm a great writer and "this
could really help someone" or is it " another way to get noticed" or what? What is it? I don't know. The way I feel most of the time, I should probably keep it all to myself. It's almost like borrowing trouble! I do know that I mostly feel better when I tell You my heart thoughts. If I write in my black and white composition book or I
write on the blogsite and no matter if it is "outloud" or not, I know that You are the One that makes the difference for me. I do feel that telling You the angst in my heart, whether stress
related or the depression speaking....I know that You care. And, if I really need You to lift the
burden, You will. I am blessed. I know it. I breathe in the blessings and appreciate Your kindness in allowing us such wonderful freedom. I, way too often, breed my own depression by
borrowing problems from tomorrow to try to fix today. I know that is not what You want us to do. I worry about the fact that I spend too much time entombed in my own house. I rarely go
outside the doors. Sometimes I worry about that. I fear "someone seeing me in my own yard".
Lord, I know from the outside looking in, white coats could be in my future. But, I tell You that
I depend on You to help me help anyone that needs me today. I often wonder how I can be an
instrument for You when I b asically go nowhere. (I really have quit the shopping gets
me in too much trouble.) Soooo.....then, I wonder....."How can I be an example for You....or shine the light of Your salvation on anyone when I am sequestered." Lord, when I was answering
questions for the nurse today at the Doctor's office....I found myself giving a fairly religious answer. I think she asked how I deal with the stress areas of our job....and I answered that I
take most of it to prayer.....basically bagging it all....mine and everyone else's and dragging it to
the foot of the cross and leaving it there for You to deal with. Lord, I'm not sure....but, I think
she might have written on my chart that I was crazy for sure....and there was not a speck of hope for me! I do remember that she changed the subject really quickly and we moved on to
"Are there any heart related issues in your history?" If these are the areas that I can still be an ambassador for You....then, I will be content to keep on keeping on and not worry about being
a homebody. It really is where I am most comfortable. Do I ever make sense to You? I do
know that I always feel normal when I am writing to You. It is a solace for me that nothing else
is. It is such a relief to tell You the places where I feel weak. It is a relief to leave the worries
I have in Your hands. When You take my insecurities, my need for approval, my concerns for
our future and place them at Your feet....then I can breathe. Tomorrow will have enough trouble of it's own and I will hand over my concerns then. Until then......You know I need You.
Grant me the grace I need today. Any favor that is available for me.....I'll take too. In all.....I
pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Power of Your Blessings

Good morning, Lord. I seldom start out this way. But, right now, after little sleep and a mind full of sermons and devotionals (I've just read) , I see 4:43 AM and it's time to send You a note.
A week of rest and relaxation has slipped into the past. It was so nice to get away. Thank You for the respites that You provide. Sometimes planned....yet, not so bookended that we can't change our minds. Our family has lifted their own plans and tried to coincide their schedule's so
we can enjoy some time together. Lord, You have allowed us the privilege to be a family. Each
one of us has our own dynamic....breakfasts, lunches, suppertimes, bedtimes, snacks, activities....
all have a plan that works for them. Yet, somehow, you allow that plan to blend into a week of
doing what works as a group. For myself, Lord....I find that this particular week, I've lived on the SOS prayers that do not require much effort. Perhaps that is why I couldn't sleep last night.
I was having withdrawal symptoms....but, just in case You were wondering Lord....I am not weaning myself off the only thing that keeps me going. You are too good. You are constantly allowing me undeserved blessings. To see the hope of tomorrow and an eternity with You is the core of my very existence. Knowing I am loved and respected and cherished by my children is a gift I will forever be grateful for. I see bits and pieces of the things I tried to teach them leak out occasionally and it does make me proud. (In a good way, Lord!) Knowing that You are the ultimate leader that each of us should follow, I can see that the "bits and pieces" I see are only a drop in the bucket compared to the truths You have shown my children as they have grown up. I , nor can their father, teach everything that is to be learned. When they were little , we would pray and hope that our job as parents would be blessed by Your hand but we also knew that one day, our hands and hearts would be no longer useful for their spiritual teaching. You Lord, are the One who needs to teach us the facts of life that help us grow into instruments that You can use. The maturity of responsibility for your own actions is something that You teach so well, Lord. The ability to accept and rely on You for strength, when events that we cannot control, happen. The strength of Your righteous right hand lifting us when we are depleted, anxious, disappointed, heartbroken and misunderstood. The power of forgiveness that You provide when we do not want to (forgive) or feel we have any need to (forgive). Lord, those are the lessons a parent cannot teach. Well, a few of them....anyway. You are the great teacher. And, Your lessons are worthy of being learned. They make us happy Christians. Contented. Peaceful. And, Lord....each child of God, needs that peace. Thank You for the blessing of being a parent.
And, Lord....thank You that I have been able to see my children as Christian adults. Continue to teach them the lessons that they need to learn to be the representative of You that they need to be. They, in their own lives, will be the "only Jesus" some will ever see. They need to show
someone special, perhaps. I pray Lord, that You, will show them how. I am grateful, Lord....that You take on this job for us so we can be sure it is done right.....and then, for me, since You are not done with me yet.....continue to wake me up when the need arises. I have work to do for You . I want to know how to do what I need to do....effectively.
For the safety on the road, the needs I have for this day, the concerns of those we love that need Your healing touch.....I ask all in the name of Jesus. You , Lord....are the great physician, Lord of all and King of Kings. I praise You and thank You. Amen.