My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, October 28, 2011


You know, Lord......the more I pray....the more I watch.....the more I wait....I can see.  We can go off on our own journeys alone without asking for direction from You or place ourselves in that spot of paralyzed fear to even make a choice.  I've done both, Lord.  And, probably will again.  But, today, I see that my best source of wisdom is coming to You, again and again and again.  I cannot tell You how I love that You provide us this oasis.  I love to think that I am wise.  I love to have my kids call and say, " Mom, what do you think I should do?"  What mother doesn't?  To be honored in that way always touches me.  It makes me feel like I am still worth a hoot!  But, Lord.....You are the ONE  to be honored.  You are my touchstone.  You are my coming King.  You are my God.  Thank You Father.  Thank You for Your presence in my heart and life.  I am given honor to name You as my number one wisdom provider. I always love it when I read how Solomon was given the choice of gifts he would want.....and he chose wisdom.    It tells me that wisdom is a smart choice and it also tells me that even with that gift, you have to remember where that comes from. For even with great wisdom, if our hearts are not inclined to include You in our decisions....You stand back and let us go.  Eventually, I think, everyone always knows they need to come back to You. In all of this,  Lord, I know that  you love us . Still.   I know You love me and are concerned about all of my comings and goings.  To be like You, that is the ultimate goal for me.  Is that so I soar above the masses with my heavenly truths?  I do not ever want to be viewed as so heavenly minded , I am no earthly good.  To have people avoid me like the plague so they don't have to listen to my latest "word from the Lord" is not a level I yearn to be on.  Oh Lord!  My hope and prayer is to be the image of Yourself that You created me to be.  Not  everyone that loves and serves You is honored....or revered....or loved.  I am not begging to be viewed as less respected.....just to be the servant You need me to be.  I hope I am not asking for trouble.  But, You know my heart, Lord.  You know how I mean what I say to You.  I remember when that song came out years ago....."Whatever It Takes".  I remember after we sang it as a special one Sunday, I heard someone say how they disliked the words that were written to that song.
"Whatever it takes, to draw closer to You, Lord....that's what I'm willing to do....". I guess I would hesitate to make a statement that would garner someones thinking.  Naturally, I don't agree with what everyone in Christendom says or does or writes, but many feel they have their truths in sync with You, Lord.  I beg to differ pretty often, but, I realize my thoughts are not everyone Else's.  I can count on You though, Lord.  I can believe that what You say and make known to me through scripture and prayer and the books I read are Your heart connecting with mine.  Lord, You know I hear comments different times from women (and men) that have been in my classes......and while they are expressing their opinion or experience, I have found myself thinking.....".....uh, do I get out of this one? "......and then, I realize that to be honest and forthright with someone on a "point of view" scripturally speaking is one thing.....but spiritual truths.....the perception and precepts of the same are
so very much Your business, Lord.....I believe that is truly Your area.  I pray , dear One , that I will always defer to Your way of perceiving.  Not everyone sees "the truth" as I see it.  But, You Lord.....You can help any one see any thing.  I ask, Lord, that You will help me as I attend to my servant duties.  That I will always let You be the Only Teacher.  Today is Yours, Lord.  As is tomorrow and the day after.  I choose to serve You.  I can do nothing without Your leadership in my heart and life.  I ask all in the name of Jesus and through the shed blood.  Amen.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Before I barely have a chance to make a list, Lord.....the week has disappeared.  How does this happen?
I had some plans that did not hit the light of day.   I can always see that what I want is to make my life
more accessible to You.  I want that what You see would be good changes for me, would be realized.  Way too often, I am aware of these changes, and I continue to put off what I need to do.  I say to You....."Lord, I want to do Your will."  And then, I go my way.  Monday, I rested from Sunday.  Tuesday, I went to the outlets with some ladies from church.  Wednesday, I cooked for our Wednesday Supper at church all day.  On
Thursday, I recovered.  And, Friday?  I thought I would look for a new purse.  That did not happen. When I think about the young woman I saw walking in the parking lot today.....I wonder what her need was.  I saw her approach a couple people.  She saw me but she didn't acknowledge me.  I have asked You Lord, to bless her heart and give her what she needs to get through today.  I remember thinking her countenance was sad and I prayed an SOS prayer for her. Lord, You know  I am always
nervous......when I go out.  Especially when I am coming out of a store.   I am usually looking out and around to see what is going on near my car.  Of course, it  always helps when I remember where the car is!
The areas I concentrate on are the ones where I feel somewhat competent.  I am sure that You are okay with that but would appreciate me stretching a bit.  When the cashier at Walmart said, "Have a blessed day!" today, I looked at her and said,
"What did you say?" and she repeated it.  I responded with, "Thank you, and you too!"  .  I imagine she wondered what she may encounter when I asked her what she had said.  I think that was really bold of her to attempt that at a secular store.  Some folks are not  appreciative of that kind of communication with another.  Lord, I need to be a little bolder.  I need to be  a little more courageous.
I need to stop with negative thinking.  My "Self Talk, Soul Talk" work on myself has a lot more to be desired.  Father, my life is in Your hands.  Your hearts desire for me is what I desire.  I plan to be Your instrument with all that is within me.  There is hope that my witness for You will be seen by those who come in contact with me.  When I get an opportunity to run to the store, often, I grab the keys and my purse and leave as quickly as I can get back.  Those are the times, Lord, that I need for You to overtake my thoughts.  You know who needs me.  My words or my touch.  Lord, this is when I depend on You to give me Your wisdom.  The scriptures that I have looked at and written down this week are comfort to my soul.  I am thankful.  And, I am grateful.  But...I know that there are days when I fall down in spirit and fail You and myself.  My talk is not helpful.  To me or to anyone else.  Those days are the ones I wish I could do over.  I try to legitimize my thought process and outspoken thoughts.  They are days I wish You would put soap in my mouth.  People have enough trouble  these  days without thinking someone would say something negative about them...and they
don't know.  I ask Lord, that You would stop me in my tracks.  Help me to count to 10 or some other
inane thing.....just to think about what is about to come out of my mouth.  Loose lips sink ships.  Isn't that a verse of scripture, Lord?  No, I don't think it is....(smile)  but it may be close to one.  I think James 5 gives some words of wisdom in comparison to ships.  Lord, You are my guide.  You see what damage I can do with words said aloud that are completely unnecessary to be said at all.  Would You watch over my ship.  I need this.  I want Your heart to agree with mine on this. (Is that possible?)  I ask that You would make my mind thoughts into Your heart thoughts.  You are the best One to do the communicating.  Through me. For me.  Take heart, dear One.....I am Yours.  And, soon.....I will be the image of Yourself.  I will work as long as I breathe to accomplish this for You.  In all I pray and ask wisdom for, I ask in  the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Thank you, Lord.....for so many things.  I do love it when You place me in the middle of situation where I would never normally go! Going to the Alumni gathering was hard for me.....and  even though I tend to grump and complain a bit, it's good for me and I do  recognize that.  I found myself enjoying "the getting together" part.  At first, I was ready to go to the bathroom and stay there.  (If they'd only had a relaxing chair to sit in. It really was quite pretty in there!)  Or, even better, the car.  Yeah......that's where I could have really relaxed.  Well, as You know, Lord....I didn't.  I stayed.  I talked to people.  I don't think I embarrassed myself.  (I wish I wasn't so consumed with that!)  I hope  anyone who interacted with me felt better after doing so.  Several didn't recognize me.  I knew that would happen. I'm a "blond" now.....and  I am on the "plus-side"now.  ( Hoping and praying doesn't change that, Lord. )  Anyway....another day, another prayer for that one! 

I thank You too for the gifts of writers who press us to press a little harder to be the instruments for You that You want us to be.  It is with honor and thanksgiving I give them what they are due.  I praise You for this latest challenge I find myself in.  I also can see something else.  I can read.  I can furiously write down the rules and special notations....the scriptures and the exercises to work on....and I do that so religiously....but,  there is one thing I fail to do.  Many times.  I "put off" the actual part of "doing" the work.  "Someday when I have a little more time.....", I say.  And on and on it goes.....until later on sometimes, months later.....and I re-read as I go through my prayer journal.  "How did I forget that?"  "Why didn't I carry that through?" Lord, You know what I think?  I believe that most of the time when that kind of thing happens....satan knows of my hope to change into the image of You and my "need" to express that.  Often, he plants another need in front of me....all very legitimate....all very important too!  And, when that happens, I go off in another direction....gathering all my supplies to put out a fire that was never really going to start anyway.  Therein, taking my thoughts and my time away from an issue that could help me to be a more effective Christian.  Once again Lord....I ask for Your intervention in my heart and life to make me more and more aware of what I can change that is indeed worthy of change.  I realize that You did a wonderful job when You put me together.  It was as the years went by that parts of my personality were skewed in a way that You never planned for me....and I didn't have the wisdom to fix it. Or, even have the sense to ask for that wisdom.

It is with joy that I write to You and give You the thoughts and needs of my heart.  So many have need of Your intervention in their lives.  Physically, mentally and spiritually.  And, much of the emotional need for them can be fixed by my moving out of my comfort zone and doing what I can and/or listening to their heart thoughts.  I am amazed that so often I am told that "I didn't know I could ask God about something so simple."  Simple.  Complicated.  Sordid.  Awful.  Each request and heart ache is something that You, God , concern Yourself with.  I will always tell You about what ails me.  Even if anyone else would think it foolish.....I know You love me and the way I think.  It is my solace.  It is what gives me peace. 

I praise You, Lord.  I ask that You would supply the needs that concern my husband and myself...and for our family.....each one.  You are the saver of all that is important to us.  Keep me close to yourself
Lord.  If You see me wandering off ..... well, You know what I need You to do.  Trip me up.  I need to do for You and myself what is the most pressing today. 

I ask all in the name of Jesus.  Amen, Lord.  Amen.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lord....You and I have this connection.  I just know it.  You know me so well.  You know when I am overwrought with anxiety and cannot breathe right.  You know when I have had all I can take, and You step in.  You love me even though I make it difficult for You.  And, I in turn,  love You back.....but return  to my own devices again and again, until I cannot move another inch forward.  You must view me as mentally challenged in this valley of indecision I always find myself in.  I'm not sure why I continue to battle with myself and my ego.  What if I make the wrong decision?  What will people think?  As usual, I will lash myself with negative words and lay bleeding in the depths. I finally realize that I placed myself in this position once again.  Harsh.  So harsh.  And, why?  Why do I constantly do this?  You told me so many times You love me.  You have written words that I can rely on.....I  know it to be true, often I find myself begging You , once again, to rescue me from myself.  Thankfully, I have no one that I can rely on (with skin) and don't embarrass myself over and over again.  But, to You, dear One, I find that solace I can lean on.  You never make me feel foolish and unworthy.  I do that all by myself.  The more I read and listen to speakers and writers, I see something that I can barely believe.  Others deal with this same affliction.  I told You the last time I wrote that I am so thankful for the dose of medicine that You provide me with.  The power of Your name, Lord, is so overwhelming that satan flees.  Oh, yes....I know.  He'll come back.  But, he can't stand the name of Jesus and the power of the blood.  I need to use this as my antibiotic and savor the peace it brings me.  I know it works.  I have felt the gentleness of the infusion, Lord.  I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good.  The wealth of this power is mine and  I claim it.  I just do not access it often enough.  I wait.  This is the end of that drama, Lord.  I vow that I will call on the name of the Lord a little quicker than I usually do.  You , dear One, are the strong tower I can choose to hide in.....or not.  I choose to.  Get Your whip out, Lord.  The evil one cannot have me.  Protect my mind from the evil that ensues.  I have to get down on my knees, Lord.   I have to find that helmet of salvation that rolled under the bed last night when I took it off.  I laid that sword by the side of the bed.  It needs sharpening, I think.  I have worn out those edges.  Please protect my heart from the arrows satan flings at me.  I'm not sure....but I threw my nightgown over the breastplate when I got dressed this morning and forgot to put it on.  I know how satan works....if he can plant one evil or negative thought just one grows like bacteria in a petrie dish.  " Jesus, lover of my soul.....let me to Thy bosom fly".  Another phrase...."Leave, ah.....leave me not alone".   And, another....."Still support and comfort me.....all my trust on Thee is stayed;  All my help from Thee I bring....cover my defenseless head...within the shadows of Thy wing."  Lord, verses of hymns and scriptures were written to add to the power God provides me day in and day out.  Lord, why do I fail to access my trophies.  Lord, help me.  Lead me into all the truth that You have for me.  And, then......Father, help me rely on You to lift me to the place of peace that I yearn for.  I ask all in the name of Jesus....again.  Amen.

Friday, October 7, 2011

As I contemplate talking to You today , Lord.....I don't know where to start.  So much has gone on in just a few days and just about all of it has been fulfilling and inspiring.  I needed that this week.  You always have the right dose of medication for me to take.  Of course, Lord.....I remind You often of the times when I don't think You have paid enough attention to me and start pulling on Your garment to say "Please, Lord!  Don't You see me?" .  Or....."Can't You help me?".  I hate it when I am so pathetic.  Over and over, You come to me and look at my plight.....or the situation I have created.....and You calm the troubled waters, and give me peace.  And, so often, I am sure You have given up on me and  my constant need to have You hold my hand.  I know in my heart You haven't gone anywhere and left me to my own resources.  It is my head and my heart that don't always properly connect.  Somewhere in that mix, I know satan makes himself available to every whim of my spirit.  Overwhelm me with Your holy presence Lord.  I need to avail myself of the divine power of Your word.  Have I prayed this prayer before?  Of course, I have.  Have I meant it?  Of course, I have.
Is it possible to just say, "Ditto, Lord!"  No.  I don't think so.  No one likes to be taken for granted. No
one.....especially You, Lord.  And, why do I think I should be given that privilege?  I need to constantly make satan aware that You are my "Solid Rock!".  I need to make satan aware that no matter what happens.....or doesn't happen......You are my "go-to" preference.  I need to make satan aware that I will never detour from that fact.  I need to make him crazy with my insistence and/or constancy in taking everything to You, Lord.  I maintain that vow to You.  I cannot live, in any sense,  a productive, spirit-filled life  without turning every aspect of it over to You and the wisdom You provide me regularly.  I just quoted my life verse this morning to someone asking advice.  Psalm 19:14 is a prayer that I need to flow easily from my heart and mind....and I think it does, and then, I'm wavering in my thought process and all of a sudden remember this verse....."Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. ". "Greater is He that is in ME.....than he that is in the world".  And, Lord....another notation to You....."I NEED THEE; O I NEED THEE!  EVERY HOUR I NEED THEE!   O BLESS ME NOW,  MY SAVIOR.....I COME TO THEE!" .   If this precious lady, Annie
Hawks, could write these words in 1872, and they resonate with me, then Lord.....why do I feel that to come to You with my various heart thoughts is bothersome to You?  I will not.  With You helping me with my new version of "self-talk", I will continue to "bother" You.   In all my ways, I will acknowlege You, Lord.  Thank You for this heart to heart, today.  Thank You for the time You give to my woeful talk.  Thank You for loving me in such I way that I will never really understand....but just accept.  I pray in the name of Jesus and always, will to be done.  Amen.