My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, March 25, 2011


With all the jumbled thoughts I have swirling I don't think I should be writing out loud, Lord!
It can be dangerous to let people see vulnerability. Or confusion. Or ho-humness. I usually am
the first to admit that I do not know what to do a good share of the time. I can have a scheduled
day or not.....and one phone call can wreck the whole thing. I am in the mode to keep going , so
I do, but the plan has changed. Someone has called and given you an update on a situation.....or
you check your e-mail and someone's life has literally changed directions because of an unexpected turn of, now what, do I go on like nothing has changed? Do I try to move
mountains to show someone I really care? Do I ..... just ..... pray? Is there nothing else I can do?
To go. To comfort. To cook a meal. Or, wash someone's dishes.....all of this takes a concerted
effort. To walk into someone's life and roll your sleeves up is not always the thing to do.....and,
then, sometimes it is. I always need a shove from You to do this kind of stuff. Some people do
appreciate this kind of help. And, some do not. I guess it is why I depend on You to help me
know how to proceed. I have always downplayed prayers. I think it's because I have known it
to be a way to put people and situations off. To say....." Listen, I'll pray about this and get back
to you!"......or "Let's pray and see how God lead's us.".....I think, are all exercises in futility, Lord.....IF I do not really believe my own words. I learned long ago that prayers said by those
who are unable to do anything else (at the time) are prayers that keep one sane in any situation. I have been in situations Lord when I was desperate for wisdom and direction and
I know You had someone praying....because I was thinking and speaking in a manner that exuded Your wisdom. I knew it was You , Lord. I knew. I am filled with many anxieties today.
I know the scripture says....not to worry about things that are happening today.....because you
just are borrowing trouble from, I will lay all of my concerns at Your feet. I
do know that the magnitude of many situations do not lay within my capabilities. I can fear.
I can worry. I can give You my suggestions. Or, I can curl up on the couch in a fetal position
and try to shut out the drama.....but, Lord.....when all is said and done ..... if I haven't prayed....
and left my burdens at the foot of the cross.....then I have done a dis-service to You and to
those I should pray for. It is with the wisdom of Your word that I lay my concerns at Your
feet. You do what You will. Right now, I am fresh out of ideas to fix anything. So, You are on
Your own Lord. Once again....Your will. Your way. Your time. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daring to be an Abraham?

Lord, as I read the devotional for today, I began to wonder how obedient I would be. Thinking
that if I was in the same age bracket as Abraham was, I might have more of a willing heart. I
don't know. I have difficulty thinking about that whole scenario. What in the world, Lord? How
could You ask him that? All the years he and Sarah had yearned for a child....and then You ask
him to do the unthinkable. A nicer daughter would not ask You these questions, Lord. I just know it....but , I have all these anxieties swirling around....I need to say them to You so You can
set me straight.
I can see from the scripture what You expect from us. OBEDIENCE. You want our full cooperation in accepting what You say and being willing to do what You ask of us (me, specifically). Do You accept that I would be willing but not necessarily happy? Do You accept
that my heart would be desperately crying out for You to save me (and mine)? Do You accept
that I would be taking forever and a day gathering the wood for the sacrifice...perhaps accidentally forgetting the rope or the flint or the knife or .......(the list goes on....doesn't it, Lord?)
Father, my angst shows through loud and clear, I know. In a life that is fully committed to God,
there should be no question that my ultimate will is for Your will and mine to coincide knowing
that in that fact, there's no question that peace will reign. I hope I am not missing something
here, Lord. You have got to stop me in my tracks if my thinking is skewed. I read in a "Reading
Course" book, long ago, that when we are obedient.....even if we are unhappy about it....even
kicking and screaming a bit.....You take what we can give You (our obedience; even when we
don't understand) and do an amazing feat of magic and make it "all work together for our good".
I know, Lord. I know this is someone else's idea....and apparently it worked for them, so they
thought they could share this information (for lack of a better word). Now I wonder,
this right? And, the reason I ask is because I felt a connection to this tidbit....and wrote it down.
I wanted to remember it. I wanted to believe this could work for me and help me be a better
instrument for You. So, basically, I see what You have for me....or how I can serve You better.
And, then, because of my reluctance to do things Your way....I baulk. I think better of it and
decide to be obedient, but not too happily doing so. Do You accept this childish behavior? And,
I know it is childish. I know You know too that I am stubborn.
This devotional shows me how much farther I need to go to be an "Abraham". I cannot even
see myself in this position. But, I can tell You this....I want to be an "Abraham". I want there
to be no doubt to any soul watching my life that I would even dare to go there. I want You to
help me be willing. I want You to make me willing to be willing. Yes, I remember ! You will
do that for me too. Quoting the writer, Lord....."Abraham not only took God at His word, he
fully trusted Him with the situation. You and I would do well to do the same. The Bible is
full of God's promises to provide for us in times of sorrow, hardship, weakness and fear. Standing on His promises during adversity gives us the support we need until our troubles pass."
Lord, I thank You for the promises You provide. I lean on them heavily....and do so even when
I'm not sure You mean that "particular one" will "work" for me.
Forgive this anxious heart, Lord. Bless me with the wisdom of Your own I can better
serve You. Did I just say that? Yes, Lord....I did say it and do mean it. " better serve You."

Your will. Your way. In Your name. Amen.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cleaning Out the my mind!

Sometimes I find myself thinking of excuses not to write, Lord. And, it sure is shameful to even say it. I hate that I am so human. I wish I were more like You. I know. I could be. If I
would really like to's all in the book. I've heard it. I've read it. I've tasted, and even seen
that You are good and I can be as close to You as I choose to be. It just takes work. And, resolve. And, real commitment. And, determination. And, it seems to me those words sort of
all mean the same thing.....spiritually speaking. I sometimes hate to write because I find myself declaring to You that , "Yes, I aim to be the best creation You want me to be." I push the
"PUBLISH POST" button and there I am claiming to work on being the best Christian I can be....and then , I get up and go start the wash.....or walk a couple miles with some friends....or
start that load of clothes thats growing everyday......and sort of forget about my "plan" to grow
closer to You. Not that I mean to, Lord. I just sort of fall off my spiritual perch and walk into
the areas of our home that need attention like cleaning, cooking, washing, dieting, sorting out, complaining, cleaning, cooking, washing, dieting, sorting out
and on and on and on. My halo constantly needs adjusting. Especially when I'm trying to look
for a second shoe or a lost shoulder pad at the bottom of the closet. Yes, my aim is to be all I
can be for You. And yes, now it's out....I still wear shoulder pads. (This too shall pass...when I get thinner....). And, I'm still trying to decide what project to tackle first. Spring is around the corner. And, I've got to plan something for the LADIES at church.....And,
Mary expects me to have something "worthwhile" to say at the Oasis in a few weeks. How can
I talk about cleaning out and clearing the schedule when everything is all mucked up in my
mind? I looked out the window the other day when we were driving and I saw a part of winter
that is so depressing. I looked at the disarray in the woods and areas of brush along the highways. The broken and dead trees and brush. Gnarled branches filled with dead vines and
foliage. It was so messy.....and nasty looking. Unkempt. Even the yards of homes we passed
were unattractive. And....then, Lord.....I thought about how so soon the little green buds would
appear....and before too long, the vines, the gnarled branches, and not so pretty trees would be
in bloom with beautiful green leaves and gorgeous foliage. The same mess....just covered up.
I thought about our hearts, Lord. I think it's so much better when I find a way to get into the
closet of my mind, and start digging out the lost shoe, a missing sock, that elusive shoulder
pad, and finally the dust balls.....and make that area a nice clear place to think and preserve the
real desires of my heart. Memorizing scripture has become important to me.....even if I can't
remember all of the "King James" wording and references....I like being able to rattle off a few
verses here and there without having to "look it up" all the time. The older I get, the more
important this seems to be to me. Hiding Your word in my heart is a goal for me to accomplish.
Atleast one more verse than I knew yesterday, is a good goal.....even if that is all I can manage.
Lord, grant me as much of Your favor as I can have today. The areas that are too numerous
to think on right now.....bring them to me another day. All I ask is that Your name and glory
would be in every area I request. Thank You. Amen.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Again and Again: You are There!

Lord, it seems when I find myself repeating to someone else the same phrase or verse
of scripture, it's something I need to think about. You know how easy it is for me to preach to someone about something that they need to change about their thinking. I do it on a regular basis, it seems. Well, I'll give myself a little credit.... "Only on occasion" (when I feel the need) to my children, or my husband, or my brother's or anyone that seems to need my "advice"....and then I wonder, "Hmmm....maybe I better pay attention to what I am spouting off about."
Lord, I find that no matter what it is or how You do is amazing how You bring out the worst in me that You would like me to address and make me think about what I need to do to change my thinking. And....You already know how I want to please You....(I tell You so pretty often) and want to feel Your smile of approval on my, do Your work, Lord. I'm paying attention now. I want You to change the different aspects of my life that annoy You....actually, knowing that they annoy me too, is such an eye-opener. I don't know if I read it or not, Lord....(I probably just surprises me that I can remember it! Uhhh....what was I saying.....? Oh, yeah....that was it.....) In the life of a committed christian, your desire and His desire for you, all sort of "meld", basically....I really want what God wants in my life! And, I really believe it.
Lord, I have found myself saying several times this week and part of last , that, we
Christian's, should not fear what tomorrow holds....because, God has already walked there....He
knows what's waiting for us....and nods in affirmation as it comes to us, knowing we can walk through it without being afraid because He is walking with us. I'll be honest, Lord. Knowing
it....believing it.....and living it, are all very different things. Knowing it and believing it are not
hard. Especially when I am giving out all of these "very spiritual truth's" to those who are
listening to me. But, when I am thinking about the "living it" part.....well, Lord.....that is an
entirely different ballgame. One, I fear, I may fall on my face on or be called "out" on first
base.....that is if I even make it to first base. As I spoke about this this morning with a
daughter....I was reminded of a few of the actual events in my life where I had no recourse....
where the answer basically was already set in stone.....and, I wonder if because I was in a
precarious place.....You had no recourse. You had to do what You did. I would fall hard for
sure....and probably be lost. I wish I could go through the file drawers in heaven (that may or
may not be there) to see the paper work that went back and forth on me. I am so thankful,
Lord....that without any doubt, I know , "IRRECONCILABLY LOST" is NOT stamped on my folder.
With Your power and Your hand guiding me, I will listen to You, at all cost. I will follow You.
I may be kicking and yelling a bit.....but, I will follow. Okay, You may have to shove at times.
But, I will be Your child until the end comes for me. And, I will do my best to be obedient. Long story short....I really do my best work when I am following Your lead. "Lead me and teach me in all my ways.....Your ways....Even from a distance, You know what I am thinking....You know when I leave and when I get back....(You know where I am headed and what I will be doing when I get there...) You know everything I am going to say before I speak the first sentence....Your reassuring presence (and smile) coming and going....It's too much...too wonderful....I can hardly take it all in".......just a few of Your promises to all of us as Your children. Thank You for watching over me.
Lord, I am filled with joy knowing You are there for me....and anyone else who may call on
You. Thank You for the gifts of abundant life....and eternal life. You are too much to take into my brain....but I accept the gift....and ask that You would grant me Your favor this day....I
ask and speak all in the name of Jesus. Amen and Amen.