My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Casting my Cares on You, Lord

Lord, what is it that I could do for you? I am always asking and/or pleading for you
to rescue me and mine from anything satan might do to trip us up. His goal is to
force us to question what YOU are doing. Right now as I say these words to You, I
realize that because You have not answered "yes" to any of my requests, I tend to be
frustrated and "put-out" with You. Yes, dare I even put the words on paper? I might
as well. You know my heart, my thought process, my desire to see my prayers fulfilled
and realized. So, then....because I have not seen the result I ask for I wonder if
I have not done enough to prove to You that I sincerely love You and the power of the
cross. Is there an area I have not committed to You? Is there? I say to You that I
will, with all of my being, never walk away from the relationship I have with You.
I will fulfill my commitment to Your calling for me as long as You give me life. My
heart will always sing Your praises. My tongue will always speak of the promises You
have so generously given in Your words. "I will never leave you or forsake you"
one. There have been times I have questioned You about this one...but I don't have to understand it all. I honestly do not believe I have the brainpower to take all of the intricasies in. For now, I will enlist Jeremiah 29:11 to prove I believe. "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you...not to harm you....plans to give you hope and a future". "Lord, I cast all my cares upon You. I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet. And, everytime I don't know what to do....I cast all my cares upon You." (the writer of these chorus lyrics knew this kind of defeat). I do, Lord. I cast my cares on You because I know that You know the content of my heart. What is it I can do for You? My concerns are at Your feet. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Speak To Me...(inside voice please)

As I sit here, determined to accomplish something today, Lord.....I feel sort of for
lorn...maybe even forgotten. And you, up to your ears in prayers that need answering look at me and.....well, I hate to think what you think. I find myself way too often
moaning about my plight. For pete's sake, I have nothing to bemoan. I am treasured.
Loved. Respected. What else? More than I deserve, that's for sure. I remember a few
times when I looked up into the heavens and said...."DID YOU FORGET I WAS HERE?" Oh
Lord, I should be ashamed when so many are dying or suffering in some way. Yet, here
I am, trying to figure out how to change my thinking. Lord, You are the hiding place
I need when I feel like this. Everyone thinks it's best to get out of the
something for someone....make a difference. And, I continue to wait for you to lift
me up, feed me, encourage me, take me to a higher level of understanding Your word. I
know something else too. I know that anyone seeing our conversation knows exactly how to fix me....and a good kick in the pants is the starting point. Lord, would
you do for me what I seem to be unable to do for myself....and, (I do not even have a
suggestion of what that might be) give me an idea of how to move forward. I just read
recently, a verse from Isaiah that proves to me You care. The one from Chapter 30, and verse 21. It says...(and I know I don't have to tell You)...but, I like to say the words. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk ye in it'. So,I will be listening Lord. I need to hear You speak to me a brighter hope. Casting all my cares on You, Lord, is what I do best. I honor You for the fact that I know You listen and never weary of hearing me drone on and on. I honor You because You loved me before I ever knew You were there. I love You Lord. I speak of all of these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Request Permission to Speak

Lord, as I looked at the caller ID when the phone rang last night, I sort of knew
what was coming. And, to be honest, I dreaded admitting I was at home. And, You know
why, Lord? Because I did not have one good answer for anything I was about to hear. And, as I listened, my heart ached because I DIDN'T have one. Lord....when I've said all I can say (spiritually speaking) and it falls on deaf I keep saying it? Over and over again? I know it's important to listen...not only with my
ears but my heart too....and I think I do, but I sure wish I could be a better problem solver. I guess though, Lord, since You are aware of my shortcomings, and You
impressed them to call me....You already knew that all I could do was to listen. The
few things I did say, I hope and I pray, were words that You may have used too. Some
times the verbal pat's-on-the-back we speak are what people need. I know that when
someone who has served You in the past and falls out of fellowship with You....I know
they are aware, usually, that they are in need of YOU fulfilling the needs they have.
Should I keep haranguing? Should I? I don't want to let You down but I don't see that
being a pain in the neck is helpful either. Give me wisdom Lord. Especially for the
next call. I want to be the instrument for You I need to be. I want to beat the life
out of a drum for You or play a pretty tune for You on the flute. Whatever. I want to
be the emissary for You that I need to be. I will cleave to Your word in Isaiah 65:24..."Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." That is exactly what I need to lean on today....for our own personal needs too. They are the same as they were yesterday....except for the fact that You've been alerted .Now we will wait and see how You will work out everything according to Your will and Your
plan. I have prayed and continue to pray in the name of Jesus, dear Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Will of God...Drawing me Closer.

Lord, my heart is full today. So much is swirling around. I have all of the
questions I had yesterday (minus one); I've added a few more....and now, as I write,
I will probably think of a couple extra for You. I am so grateful I have You to lean
on. To go on and on with someone else about what I want You to do, or how I think You should do it is way too often how I play the game. Right now Lord, I'm telling You that there is NO game playing here. I need You to supply the needs that I have today. There will be another prayer tomorrow for what I may need then. Also, You know what I really NEED. Often, I am sure You know; and I await Your response.....and when I don't see any....I panic alittle. I think, "Uh...did I talk to You about this....and if I did, did I say it LOUD enough...? Or, Lord....I'm not sure I used the right words or phraseology.... Yeah, I'm sure that's why You didn't answer as I thought You would....or at all." In all reality, Lord.....I know You heard me the first time. I know I spoke to You about it all. I just believed You would do things like I envisioned them to be. Yes.(I'm nodding) Yes, I have learned that You know best....since You have a bird's eye view from where I am....but so often, even though I believe I have the perfect answer, I REALLY depend on You to do what You will....because I know that, in all the honesty I can muster, is the ONLY way for me and mine. And so, I pray in the name of Jesus, that Your name would be
exalted and that Your will , not mine, will be done. Amen and Amen. (and this, Dear
One, is how I draw closer to You. Melding (my word) myself into Your way of thinking.
And it makes me feel secure in You. Thank You Lord!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Believing .....Really Believing.

Here I am again, Lord. I spoke to You this morning about the needs that seem to be
concerning us....I expect that as I cross this one and that one off the list as each
need is settled....I just keep adding things for You to work on for me or help me
with, You will be there. Each time I come to you I know that You do all things well. Even the parts of our lives that I've made a mess of. I am filled with thankfulness for all you allow. And, I say that with trepidation. The thankfulness I feel does come from my heart but I have to admit to you that I do not understand the weaving You do, in and out of my life, to make my will coincide with Your will. I do not see how or why some things happen, and how in the world I could possibly be "thankful in all things". But, I say to You, Lord, that I will obey Your word with You helping me. On my own, forget it! I cannot. I don't even want to. Sometimes the tears flow. Sometimes irrefutable words are spoken. Sometimes we are crushed beyond any measure that we thought we could bear. And then, finally, when I am at the end of my flailing....there You are. Just patiently waiting to enfold me and give me the rest I need for my weary heart. Being thankful in all things is what we are commanded to do....and I know I can do it.(I just don't want to all the time). I
ask that You would help me do it. I feel like the man in Mark 9:24 who exclaimed to
Jesus...."I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief."
Lord, I know You understand me...and as much as You love me, I know You will do this
for me too.
Sometimes I wonder what's laying in wait for me. Can I get through it? Will I make it? I will believe that when I need Your grace to strenthen me and lift me, it will
be there....and there will be no doubt in my mind where that fortitude came from.
I ask Lord, as I go through this day, that I will be a blessing to those I see. Your
instrument if You please. In Jesus name, Amen again.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Forgiving me....Again.

Lord, all I can do is be honest. You know me. I can procrastinate forever on taking
the initiative to do what I know I should. Even knowing I have people peeking in on
our conversations....I still find something else to do. Like laying on the couch. Is
that pathetic or what? I know I always find my strength in you. I am always ...well,
nearly always, inspired by what you have shown me throughout a week as I go through
my days. Sometimes you point stuff out to me I'm not interested in changing...or
putting my effort into...or just plain doing. It's the "doing" thing I have trouble
with. And, Lord....I think that is why you put those things in front of me. Sometimes
I just want to be alone. Be quiet. Do what I want to. From past experience Lord, I
realize that you are trying to protect me from myself. That inner nature of mine that
wants to crawl in a hole and cover myself up is the depression that I have dealt with
forever. That part of me you have put up with for years is something I never seem to
get over. I know it's that part that plagues me spiritually because it puts me into
a stagnant state that brings no glory to you....and bleeds me dry, so I am no good
to you and those who depend on me to be "spiritual". Lord, you saw me being formed in
my Mother's womb. You knew that as I grew into womanhood I would perhaps deal with an
issue that is such a stigma in the world today. I do what I feel is right for me now.
Most of the time....except for this week. I haven't felt much like praying. I have
felt somewhat stymied in my spirit. I couldn't blame it on a headache. I couldn't
blame it on "too much too do". I just didn't feel like it. Brother, is that a slap
at you....with all You allow me to have....the blessings I enjoy....the love that is
in my life. I feel like such a disappointment to You.
I ask Father, that in Your gentleness and lovingkindness, You will nudge me until I
am so completely uncomfortable in myself-ness that I will run to You and cry out the
thoughts of my heart. Only You understand. Only You really love. Only You can really save me from myself. Thank You again for forgiving me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dealing with Disappointments!

Lord, sometimes I find myself so disappointed. I've thought about this alot this week. Throughout my life, I've encountered more than one time. I remember Lord, when I sent the package to my girls for Easter. They were away from home then and I wanted to make sure they knew I was thinking of them. They never got to open the box and be as excited as I was as I packed it. The little yellow marshmallow peeps, the various items I placed in carefully to make it all was spoiled for me because of miscommunication (it takes too long to explain it all). And, that's just a dumb one, Lord. I could make a list for you but I am pretty sure You know exactly where and when and what pained me. I usually bounce back pretty quickly from these times. I'm thankful for that. I just wonder if I expect too much. Lord, I know the reality of life is so different for all of us. Our expectations, our desires, our needs all require a delicate balance of the timing, planning and the execution of our life moments. When they are not in sync with each other and the prayers of a fervent heart coincide...I find disappointment reigning over me. Lord, I will make a point of trying very hard to not be a disappointment to others....and You absolutely know I've tried and tried and never seem to stack up to the expectations of others at times. I find that though this is the give and take of life, it is often exhausting to do.
Actually Lord, I think I will spend a little more of my time in doing my best to not
disappoint you. Everytime I am disappointed, I think of a tear in Your eye because I
have not kept up my end of a "bargain" I made with You. I want to, as Your child, not
have You sorrowful in how I have served You.
As I swallow hard and go on pretending I'm not disappointed when I really am, I ask
that You would help me "act as if" (it's all okay) and then You need to help me really mean it. I really think Lord, that if I know I can depend on You to do that for me, I'll be a better Christian for it. Help me Father to be the light for You
that You expect me to be. (I ask You that nearly all the time, don't I? ) Do I please You in my behavior? Am I being the "Jesus" some need to see? Boy, do I sound righteous or what?
Please, Lord. I don't mean to sound that way. I just do not want ANYTHING to keep me
out of the light of your approval.
I ask Lord, in the name of Jesus all of this....and place my pleas at the foot of the
cross. Amen.