My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Friday, June 27, 2014

I think You are amazing, God!  Let all the people praise You. Oh, dear One..... I wish they all would.  Wouldn't that be amazing?  'Course, here I am, sitting at Your feet or nearby.....for the inspiration to write.  It seems I always have to have a reason......and yet, I know I do not need one.  Bottom line for me though, is, if I intend to accomplish anything today, I need to write to You.  I can't even think straight.
Earlier this week I read at the end of a devotional, words that really described me.  I know You probably put it in my line of vision so I could utilize this in my prayer.  C.S.Lewis is an icon of sorts for his prolific writings, that many enjoy.  Children and adults alike.  I hate to say it out loud, Lord.....but, I can read pages of his work and never understand one word he is saying to me, the  reader.  This quote, however, spoke volumes to me.....because it sounded like something I feel all the time.  Just in case You need to be reminded, Lord, I quote.....
                    "I pray because I can't help myself.....I pray 
                      because I am helpless....I pray because the 
                      need flows out of me all the time-waking and 
                      sleeping.....It does not change God- It changes
                      me."  C.S.Lewis  
  Another thing I read only this morning was that "Praying at all to take up the pen of faith and pray without ceasing.....and to pray words of praise, intercession or supplication as the need arises."  Does that make me appear to be a "goody-two shoes"?  I am not.  You know it.....don't You?  I am Your child....trying as hard as I can (most of the time) to behave myself.  As I watched the children in VBS this an almost 70 year old woman, my thoughts were....when am I ever going to really grow up?  The feelings and anxieties over "what people think.....and why they think it .......the fears of  worries that plague me.......the dreams and hopes for tomorrow".....all seem to surround my thinking.  Jesus, only You can alleviate the dreaded fears that threaten to make me cower in the corner-basically believing the enemies' lies.  When this happens, he knows I am completely ineffective for You and the kingdom.  Lord, with all my heart, my desire is to be like You.  To be the example for You in whatever state I happen to be in.  I remember, time after time when leaving the nursing facility my mother lived in....I wondered why You allowed her life to seemingly wither away.  I remember, after she was no longer conscious.....going to her room and seeing a worker just standing at the foot of her bed, staring at her.  She responded to my question of why she was there with a simple but succinct answer.  "Because I needed some peace......and when I look at Sylvia.....I see peace."  I knew then, Lord, that no matter what state we happen to be in.....You can use us.  We can always continue to be an instrument of peace.....wherever and whenever You choose.  I concede, Lord.  If peace is what You need people to see in me.....I beg You....let it be so.  You are the delight of my heart.  I thank You for Your presence.....for speaking to me through the scriptures I read and the happenings of a day.
I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen. 

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